摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase)支付2.11亿美元以解决该指控,使其操纵市政债券交易竞标竞赛

摩根大通公司将支付2.11亿美元以解决其指控JP Morgan Securities LLC部门操纵了数十项竞标竞赛,以重新投资市政债券交易的收益,以赢得地方政府和州政府的业务。该和解是针对投诉的投诉,即美国证券交易委员会,司法部,国税局,25个州检察长和银行监管机构bob200体育已向投资银行提出。摩根大通还同意将约1.297亿美元的损害返还给有害的市政当局。

JP Morgan证bob200体育券被指控与处理31个州的竞标过程的公司至少达成93项秘密交易。该安排让投资银行看到竞争对手的报价。

According to regulators, between 1997 and 2005, members of JPMorgan’s municipal derivatives desk made misrepresentations and omissions in the secret deals, which impacted the prices the governments ended up paying while jeopardizing the tax-exempt position of billions of dollars worth of securities in the billions. This alleged misconduct also undermined JP Morgan’s competitors, who, along with the financial firm, are supposed to offer cities and states the opportunity to bid for competitive interest rates when they invest their tax-exempt proceeds from municipal bonds in municipal reinvestment products. JPMorgan is accused of also sometimes turning in nonwinning bids on purpose to meet tax requirements.

While The New York Time reports that by agreeing to settle JPMorgan Chase is not denying or admitting to wrongdoing, Yahoo reports that the financial firm has admitted to the illegal conduct and agreed to cooperate with the Justice Department’s probe as long as it wasn’t prosecuted. JPMorgan, however, did blame the illegal activity on ex-employees at a division that is no longer in operation.





JP Morgan Chase同意向Lehman Brothers受托人支付8.61亿美元,股票经纪人欺诈博客,2011年6月28日
UBS Financial Reaches $160M Settlement with the SEC and Justice Department Over Securities Fraud, Antitrust, and Other Charges Related to Municipal Bond Market, May 16, 2011

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