
根据政府问责办公室的说法,由于证券交易委员会尚未采用最终的冲突矿产披露规则,因此制定计划以协助将受到影响的公司的计划已被推迟。bob200体育The GAO said that, as a result, there is now uncertainty about the SEC’s due diligence and reporting requirements, which is making it hard for multilateral organizations, industry associations, and other stakeholders to “expand and harmonize” their in-region and global sourcing initiatives. The agency has recommended that SEC Chairman Mary Schapiro identify what steps need to be completed (and when) so that the Commission can finally put out a final rule.

根据2010年《多德 - 弗兰克华尔街改革与消费者保护法》第1502条的规定,SEC必须开始持有民主共和国和附近国家的冲突矿产发行人,对增强的披露要求负责。(该委员会原本应该确保该规定已于去年4月之前实施。)本月,美国证券交易委员会(SEC)表示,将考虑是否在8月的公开会议上采用最终的冲突材料。

The GAO has said the delay by the SEC to finalize a rule is a result of the Commission’s already heavy workload for rulemaking, the volume of stakeholder input, a high learning curve on a subject that staff wasn’t well-versed in, cost concerns by industry members, and the Commission’s concentration on cost-benefit analysis. Among the global initiatives that this delay has hampered, said the GAO, are the Conflict-Free Smelter Program and The Tin Supply Chain Initiative. The first looks to confirm that the sources of smelters processed-conflict minerals are conflict free, while the latter supports the responsible sourcing of materials from central Africa. Both provide assistance to downstream companies seeking to obtain minerals from conflict-free suppliers.


“在过去的几年中,事件应强调在SEC进行改革的必要性。大多数人都同意,“证券警察在麦道夫崩溃和其bob200体育他广泛欺诈期间没有从事他们的工作。”bob200体育证券律师威廉·谢泼德(William Shepherd)。“现任SEC主席Shapiro当时负责证券行业自己的自我监管组织,该组织有负有监督Madoff Securities公bob200体育司的主要责任。然而,她随后被晋升为SEC的负责人。该机构现在正遭受证券公司的压力,她在此期间和其他事项期间被聘为警察。bob200体育似乎在这里适用“负责鸡舍的狐狸”。



SEC主席玛丽·沙皮罗(Mary Schapiro)在代理商的2011年执法记录中站立,股票经纪人欺诈博客,2012年3月15日


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