发表的文章MF Global

遭到批评,即许多安全和交流委员会在2011财年的执法行动实际上是跟进的行政程序,而不是新行动,而不是新行动,主席玛丽·沙皮罗(Mary Schapiro)支持该机构的记录。她还指出,在某些情况下,后续行动是执行联邦证券法的关键。bob200体育Schapiro向房屋拨款小组发表了陈述。

根据最近的媒体调查结果,超过30%的美国证券交易委员会(SEC)2011年735次执法行动(该机构在前一年从未提出过这件事)。Schapiro, who was testifying in front of the House Appropriations Financial Services Subcommittee on the White House’s proposed $1.566 billion FY2013 budget for the SEC, noted that some of the enforcement actions were the most complex to ever occur and included those involving municipal securities market-related bid rigging, misleading sales practices related to structured products, Foreign Corrupt Practices Act-related violations, and insider trading. She also pointed to the number of senior level people that have been the target of many of last year’s SEC enforcements.

Schapiro said that even as the SEC has already proposed or adopted regulations for over three-fourths of the duties it was tasked with under the 2010 Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, the most challenging ones, including proposals to enhance disclosures for companies that use conflict minerals or pay governments for access to natural gas, minerals, and oil, are still on the horizon. So is the SEC’s joint proposal with banking regulators on the Volcker rule, which exempts insurance firms from proprietary trading restrictions while preventing financial institutions and affiliated insurers from being able to invest in private equity and hedge funds. She said stated the SEC is “rethinking” how it deals with its Volcker rulemaking.

U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Martin Glenn says that MF Global Holdings Inc. can use approximately $21 million in cash collateral fromJPMorgan Chase&Co,这是其抵押贷款人。在发布此决定时,格伦(Glenn)否决了客户的反对意见,即这笔钱可能是他们帐户中丢失的$ 1.2B的一部分。MF Global和JP Morgan就如何使用现金达成了一项协议。

在MF Global破产开始时,摩根大通已经同意让经纪公司使用2600万美元。这是根据一项协议,将投资银行对所有MF全球资产留置权。

正是在本月初,格伦裁定MF Global Inc.客户可以收回经纪交易商申请破产时损失的72%。他批准了对经纪公司债权人提出的异议的裁决,他批准了受托人詹姆斯·吉登斯(James Giddens)的要求。根据Glenn的决定,MF Global的客户可以再获得22亿美元的分销,这使他们可以以0.72美元的价格获得。

虽然大多数转移将在几天之内出门,但预计有些转移将需要长达四个星期。在另一项决定中,格伦批准将大约330个MF全球客户证券帐户转移到Perrin,Holden&Davenport Capital Corp. MF Global已将大约38,000个商bob200体育品帐户移交给其他金融公司。

Glen plans to tackle the issue of physical goods distribution, such as silver and gold bars, next month. Clients have complained about not being able to get their share of ownership of such items, which cannot be physically divided. HSBC Holdings Plc (HSBA) has even filed a lawsuit against Giddens. The financial firm is trying to determine whois the owner of the 15 silver bars and five gold bars underlying several Comex contracts between a client and MF Global.

Previous payouts to commodity clients are already at about $2 billion. However, some customers have said they didn’t receive any money from these initial payments.


In November, CME said it would give ex- MF Global customers the $50 million that was held by CME Trust. Originally meant to assist traders, the trust had turned into a primary source of charitable giving for the exchange operator.

独家:CME Trust的慈善机构赠款停止了MF失败,,,,Reuters, December 18, 2011

MF GlobalWins Permission to Use JPMorgan’s Cash as Judge Suggests Probe,,,,Bloomberg, December 14, 2011



$1.2 Billion of MF Global Inc.’s Clients Money Still Missing,,,,Stockbroker Fraud Blog, December 10, 2011

受托人说,MF全球短缺可能大于$ 1.2B。,股票经纪人欺诈博客,2011年11月26日

MF GlobalHoldings Ltd. Files for Bankruptcy While Its Broker Faces Liquidation and Securities Lawsuit by SIPC, Institutional Investor Securities Blog, October 31, 2011

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According to the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, the whereabouts of $1.2M in MF Global Inc. customer funds are still unknown. Lawmakers at a Senate Banking Committee meeting grilled the CFTC officials earlier this week.

CFTC专员吉尔·索默斯(Jill Sommers)周二在小组面板上发表讲话说,该机构仍未找到所有钱。CFTC于10月31日提交了MF Global Holding公司第11章破产请愿书后,开始对MF Global的崩溃进行调查。Sommers报告说,有数十名CFTC员工正在努力寻找缺少资金。

同时,前MF全球负责人乔恩·科津(Jon Corzine)表示,他也不知道钱去了哪里。他向不得不应对经纪公司崩溃的后果的员工,客户和投资者道歉。自从MF Global宣布寻求破产保护以来,成千上万的客户看到其资产被冻结了。

根据受托人詹姆斯·吉登斯(James Giddens)的说法,MF Global Inc.在美国隔离客户帐户中可能有超过$ 1.2B的缺口。吉登斯的任务是监督失败的公司清算。

Previously, the estimated shortfall had been $593 million. Now, however, that estimate has likely changed. Giddens says that it will take $1.3 billion to $1.6 billion dollars to distribute 60% of what should have been found in the accounts of customers. He has noted that how much of the assets he can access is not the same as the shortfall amount. Giddens is reportedly close to exhausting the money that he does control.

在10月的最后一天,从客户帐户中的54.5亿美元的资金被冻结了,在MF全球单位报告说,客户资金(商品期货交易委员会规则说应该被隔离)的一天,经历了重大缺口。母公司MF Global Holdings Inc.然后寻求破产保护。
