
InSecv。SinotechEnergy Ltd., Securities and Exchange Commission is suing SinoTech Energy Ltd. (CTESY), a Chinese oil field services company, forsecurities fraud。据委员会称,据称Sinotech对其IPO收益的使用方式做出了错误陈述,并歪曲了其资产的价值。该公司还被指控一再欺骗投资者和SEC,后者在2010年和2011年提交给委员会的文件。

Per the SEC’s complaint, SinoTech claimed that $120 million of its IPO proceeds would be used to purchase lateral hydraulic drilling units when it spent less than $17 million to buy them. Also, its chairman, Qingzeng Liu, has admitted to skimming $40 million from a company bank account. This monetary withdrawal allegedly was not noted in SinoTech’s records or books. The Commission wants injunctive relief, disgorgement, and penalties from SinoTech and its chairman.

在其他全球投资新闻中,第11巡回上诉法院已决定恢复投资者对涉及的涉及的金融欺诈行为的不公正的丰富和敲诈勒索,该欺诈涉及城市集团,该集团主要位于印度,该公司的分支机构在美国。原告,维伦德拉·拉杰普特(Virendra Rajput)和曼辛格·拉杰普特(Mansingh Rajput)声称,他们在与马苏德家族(Masood Family)有联系的公司网络上投资了经济损失。拉杰普特(Rajput)和拉杰普特(Rajput)指责家族保持投资,运行金融球拍,从不打算发行他们承诺投资者的高回报率的支出。他们两个还声称,城市集团的美国分支机构是从印度的骗局中为洗钱的。

The district court had dismissed the plaintiffs’ claims, but the appeals court vacated and remanded that decision. The 11th circuit found that dismissal of the claims is prevented by the plaintiffs’ pleadings, which “sufficiently” link the defendants to the alleged financial scam in India and their unjust enrichment.




接触Shepherd Smith Edwards and Kantas, LTD, LLPtoday to speak with an experiencedinstitutional investment fraud lawyer

Secv。SinotechEnergy Ltd.(PDF)

Rajput v. City Trading LLC(PDF)

欧洲委员会要求延迟实施美国衍生工具法规https://www.globallawwatch.com/2012/04/european-commission-calls-for-delay-in-implementation-of-u-s-derivatives-regulations/, Bloomberg/BNA, April 30, 2012

Amendment of the Collective Investment Schemes Act in response to the EU’s AIFM Directive, News.Admin.Ch, November 3, 2011

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