
众议员约翰·拉尔森(D-Conn。)和众议员克里斯·墨菲(Chris Murphy)(D-Conn。)呼吁商品期货交易委员会打击过度的能源市场投机。他们认为,这种“基于世界事件”的石油投机类型是“辱骂”,并且一直在为美国人带来困难。


在其他商品/期货交易新闻中,上个月,美国德克萨斯州东部地区的美国地方法院命令两名男子及其公司Total Call Group Inc.支付超过480万美元的费用,据称涉嫌生产虚假的客户陈述并进行与Off有关的虚假招标- 交换外币欺诈。在CFTC诉Total Call Group Inc.,托马斯·帕特里克·瑟蒙德(Thomas Patrick Thurmond)和克雷格·坡(Craig Poe)将分别支付162万美元和324万美元。根据该机构的2006年至2008年底,这两个人从至少四个客户那里征集了约808,000美元,以进行外币期权交易。

本月早些时候,另一家公司注册期货委员会商人罗森塔尔·柯林斯集团有限责任公司同意支付超过250万美元的CFTC指控。它没有充分监督公司处理与数十亿美元庞氏骗局相关的帐户的方式。The account, held in Money Market Alternative LP’s name, experienced “significant change” between April 2006 and April 2009 in how much money it took in. For instance, the CFTC says that even though the account at inception reported a $300,000 net worth and a $45,000 yearly income, deposits varied from $2 million to $14 million a year. RCG is also accused of failing to look into and report excessive wire activity involving the account. As part of theCFTC证bob200体育券和解,这家金融公司同意支付160万美元的罚款,并将其送入921,260美元,这是RCT的帐户费用。

仅在三天前,CFTC宣布其掉期客户清除文档规则包装将扩大对执行和清算,提高透明度,降低成本和风险的开放访问权限,并产生竞争。The rules will not allow arrangements involving swap dealers, designated clearing organizations, major swap participants, and futures commission merchants that would limit how many counterparties a customer can get into a trade with, impair a client’s ability to access a trade execution on terms reasonable to the best terms that already exist, limit the position size a customer can take with an individual counterparty, and not allow compliance for specified time frames for acceptance of trades into clearing. Also, the CFTC is thinking about adopting definitions for swap dealers, major security-based swap participant eligible contract participant, security-based swap dealer, and major swap participant. These entities were created under the 2010 Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.

同时,MF Global Inc.(MFGLQ.PK)清算受托人詹姆斯·吉登斯(James Giddens)认为,他可以对某些公司雇员提出索赔。再次可能的索赔可能包括违反客户资金种族隔离要求的指控和违反信托义务的指控。尽管MF Global曾告诉监管机构,在申请破产保护时,它无法占9亿美元的客户资金,但调查人员现在说,这一数字接近12亿美元至16亿美元。


CFTC订购Rosenthal Collins Group,LLC是注册期货委员会商人,支付超过250万美元的监督和记录违规行为,CFTC,2012年4月12日
CFTC诉Total Call Group Inc.

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