Shepherd Smith Edwards and Kantas Investigates Claims Involving Ex-Pruco Broker Joseph Viet Duy Phan


金融业监管机构(FINRA)在没有出现在自我监管组织(SRO)的听证会上,他宣布将禁止前普鲁士证券经纪人约瑟夫·沃伊·潘(Joseph Viet Duy bob200体育Phan)调查为什么经纪人被经纪人解雇。普鲁科(Pruco)释放潘(Phan),因为据称未经公司批准从两个客户的帐户借钱。Shepherd Smith Edwards和Kantas,LLP(SSEK律师事务所)目前正在调查针对前普鲁科经纪人及其公司的潜在投资者主张。如果您在与Phan合作担任注册代表时亏损,请立即联系我们的经纪人欺诈律师。



Other Pruco Securities Brokers Accused of Fraud

如果公司公司的经纪人之一的欺诈或疏忽行为,经纪交易商可能对客户的损失负责被忽视以适当监督the registered representative. When a failure to implement proper policies, rules, and procedures–or the inadequate training of a broker–results in investor losses, a brokerage firm may be held liable for negligence, inadequate supervision, or fraud.

约瑟夫·越图is not the only former Pruco broker accused of misconduct. For example, Terry Joe Bagwell’s BrokerCheck record shows 14 customer disputes, including one FINRA arbitration claim that accused him of failing to supervise another rep. who engaged in selling away and investing clients’ money in unregistered securities. That broker fraud case was settled for $120K. Two other customer complaints involving Bagwell were settled for $750K and $975K, respectively. The latter case was related to his alleged actions while he was a MetLife Securities broker.


另一位被禁止的普鲁科证券经纪人温斯顿·韦德bob200体育·特纳(Winston Wade Turner)在该行业中只有三年。然而,他一直是至少有二十打客户纠纷的主题,其中包括搅动,不合适的销售和虚假陈述等指控。除了担任Pruco经纪人两年之外,特纳还是大都会证券经纪人。bob200体育

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这些年来,SSEK Law Firm曾为整个美国的客户工作,以帮助他们恢复投资者的欺诈损失。提出证券仲裁索赔并bob200体育不是您没有经验的法律帮助的案件。您与我们的第一次咨询是免费的,无义务案件评估。自1990年以来,我们代表数千名投资者。超过90%的客户已收回了全部或部分投资损失。立即联系我们的经纪人欺诈律师。

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