标记的文章Abacus 2007-AC1

高盛集团(GS)(GS)已与ACA Financial Subliney Corp.达成和解。债券保险公司的证券欺诈诉讼指控投资银行欺诈性地说服其保证在金融危机之前的抵押债务义务支付。bob200体育ACA Financial Sunagey声称高盛和对冲基金Paulson&Co。欺骗了它为CDO保险。CDO欺诈解决方案的详细信息尚未披露。

In its $120M CDO fraud case, ACA claimed it was deceived into thinking that Paulson & Co. would hold Abacus for the long-term, when, in fact, the fund played a part in choosing the CDO’s assets before taking a short position and bet that the mortgages underlying the securities would fail. ACA alleged that Abacus was set up in a manner to allow Paulson to make “huge profits” and Goldman to earn “huge fees.”


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