
美联社is reporting that the shareholders who sued Wilmington Trust are asking a federal judge to approve a proposed $210M银行欺诈与银行达成和解。原告辩称,银行欺诈性地隐藏了数十亿美元的不良贷款,而银行官员在几年前向M&T Bank Corp.(MTB)出售前过期的商业房地产贷款误导了投资者和监管机构。


股东诉讼中指称的不法行为的时间比平行刑事案件中指出的时间更长,在该案件中,四名前威尔明顿信托基金高管因阴谋和欺诈指控被定罪。威尔明顿信托(Wilmington Trust)是迄今为止唯一受到与TARP(陷入困境的资产救济计划)有关的刑事指控的金融机构。

联邦大陪审团已起诉奥斯威戈总裁兼首席执行官丹·海恩(Dan Heine)和前首席财务官戴安娜·耶茨(Diana Yates)的前银行,并经营了一份广泛的,五年的阴谋,以隐藏俄勒冈州的银行陷入困境的财务状况。根据起诉书,他们两人授权秘密交易向联邦存款保险公司及其自己的董事会掩盖银行投资组合中的不良贷款。

According to the indictment, from September 2009 through last year, Yates and Hein conspired to defraud the bank. The reason for the allege conspiracy was to deceive its shareholders, board of directors, the public, and regulators by making the bank seem more financially robust.




• Having the bank make loans and withdrawals from customer accounts without customer approval or knowledge.



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