德克萨斯州证bob200体育券综述:摩根士丹利·史密斯·巴尼(Morgan Stanley Smith Barney)起诉财务顾问的庞氏骗局,法官驳回了前任高管举报人对他的解雇的诉讼,而前斯坦福大学金融集团CIO恳求妨碍SEC的调查。

在达拉斯县法院,有11名投资者正在起诉Morgan Stanley Smith Barney以及其财务顾问德尔萨·托马斯(Delsa Thomas)在涉嫌的Texas Ponzi scam。他们说,当托马斯建议他们投资Tejas Eagle Financial LLC时,她对她的信任进行了优势。(她给了他们投资25万美元或125,000美元的选择。)他们投资了数十万美元的退休金和储蓄。


In otherTexas securitiesnews, ex-Stanford Financial group chief investment officer Laura Pendergest Holt has pled guilty to charges that she obstructed the SEC’s probe into Stanford International Bank, which was owned by Ponzi scammer Robert Allen Stanford. Holt, who testified before the Commission about SIB’s investment portfolio, now admits that she did so as a “stall tactic” to impede the agencies efforts to get key information. Stanford is behind bars for running a $7 billion Ponzi scam.

在休斯敦,一名联邦法官驳回了前总部电气公司主管哈立德·阿萨迪(Khaled Asadi)提起的诉讼。美国地方法院法官南希·阿特拉斯(Nancy Atlas)裁定,《多德 - 弗兰克金融改革法》的举报人规定的反归还条款不适用于美国以外提出的索赔。在伊拉克为GE工作的Asadi提起了民事诉讼,声称他被解雇了,这违反了举报人的反遗产规定。

Asadi’s allegations against the company were related to a $250 million, 7-year joint venture contract that company had landed in December 2010. He claims that he was let go after he expressed concerns that GE violated the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, which doesn’t allow improper payments to be made to foreign officials. Asadi told the company that an Iraqi government source had informed him that GE had retained a woman with close ties to the senior deputy minister of electricity to influence the contract negotiations.

GE否认了Asadi的主张,并说他的解雇与他的指控没有束缚。争辩说,多德·弗兰克(Dodd-Frank)的反归还规定并不能涵盖其他国家的行为,它也与阿萨迪(Asadi)的诉讼作斗争,阿萨迪(Asadi)的诉讼寻求恢复原状,支付律师费,两倍的返还薪水和其他救济。Atlas法官同意GE,援引美国最高法院的裁决Morrison诉National Australia Bank,Ltd.,,,,which reaffirmed that Congressional legislation can’t be applied beyond our nation’s borders unless there is “contrary intent.”

牧羊人史密斯·爱德华兹(Smith Edwards)和坎塔斯(Kantas)德克萨斯证券bob200体育律师事务所这代表了整个州和美国其他地区的机构和个人投资者。

11索赔顾问将他们放入庞氏骗局i, Courthouse News Service, July 2, 2012

Ex-Stanford executive pleads guilty to obstruction,福克斯新闻/美联社,2012年6月21日

Judge Says Anti-Retaliation Provisions Don’t Cover Foreign
,,,,The Wall Street Journal, July 3, 2012

Ponzi Scam Receiver Can Go Forward with Securities Claim Against Texas Investor Who Benefited From the Fraud,股票经纪人欺诈博客,2012年6月26日
Texas Securities Case: Mark Cuban Asks District Court To Reconsider Compelling the SEC to Produce Documents Related to Insider Trading Allegations Over Mamma.com Stock Offering,股票经纪人欺诈博客,2012年6月19日
达拉斯Man Involved in $485M Ponzi Scams, Including the Fraud Involving Provident Royalties in Texas,,,,Gets Twenty Year Prison Term, Stockbroker Fraud Blog, May 8,

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