
Shepherd Smith Edwards和Kantas(Investorlawyers.com的SSBOB体育EK律师事务所)代表投资者,他们因其退休资金和投资而遭受损失经纪人的疏忽,,,,investor fraud,或资助管理不善。


不幸的是,拥有退休基金的投资者仍然是不愉快的经纪人和货币经理的最爱目标,他们试图通过收费高级佣金或不合适的投资these customers’ funds in investments that are too risky and unsuitable for their risk tolerance levels and portfolio profiles. When this happens, it can be devastating for retirees and others who have spent years working hard to build a nest egg to see those funds disappear.


Call (866) 931-7628 today to request your free, no-obligation case consultation so that we can explore your legal options with you.


In any economy, individual retirement savings are critical. You work hard and build your whole life in order to retire and live well during retirement. In fact, the most popular retirement vehicle, the 401(k) plan, has been the primary source of retirement income for 60 million Americans, more so than Social Security and pension plans.

However, it is important to note that 401(k)s were never meant to be retirement plans in the first place.


However, because of this shift, the financial market now indirectly holds many Americans’ retirement savings. This makes their accounts subject to the ebb and flow of the market and vulnerable to potential fraud or negligence from financial advisors or investment companies. Even rollover recommendations can prove risky for investors.

For example, because a broker has often convinced them to do so, an investor will decide to roll over their 401(k) or lump-sum distributions from their pension to an individual retirement account (IRA) at a brokerage firm.


Representing Individuals with IRAs & Keough Plans

SSEK Law Firm also represents individuals with individual retirement accounts (IRAs) and Keough plans. An IRA is an investment account that offers tax-advantaged ways to save for retirement. It can be set up through a bank, a brokerage firm, or a Robo-adviser. A Keough plan is for self-employed workers and unincorporated businesses. It is a tax-deferred pension plan for retirement.





If you believe you’ve been the victim of retirement plan mismanagement, our securities lawyers and investment loss attorneys can help you fight to recover your investment losses. Call (866) 931-7628 or在线与我们联系

有关SSEK律师事务所如何帮助退休人员和老年人的更多信息 资产保护和退休人员长期护理计划的经验

Part of protecting your money and other assets is to make sure you have the right estate plan in place. For that reason, SSEK Law Firm works withMcCulloch&Miller,PLLC,为我们的德克萨斯州客户满足他们的完整法律和房地产规划需求。我们还可以与全国其他一流的房地产规划公司访问McCulloch&Miller与全国客户合作。


McCulloch & Miller offers a free consultation to our clients who are interested in estate planning, have long-term care needs, or have general elder law questions. You can contact them at (713) 333-8900 or by在线发送电子邮件。If we can further assist, please let us know.

    Client Reviews
    "I am going to miss conversations with you, Sam Edwards. You’ve been a wonderful lawyer and a friend. I loved learning legal jargon from you. But, even more, it is your self-respect and commitment to your position that I admire and your persistent patience-your equanimity. With great appreciation, thank you!" M.B.
    “我在瑞安·库克(Ryan Cook)的经历非常积极。在诉讼的每一步中,他都解释了期望发生的事情。当我以后与他交谈时,他审查了这一过程。他非常耐心,我从未感到匆忙。告诉朋友他有多美好。” L.R.
    “我希望您知道,我非常感谢您的专业知识,努力和指导,这导致了与雷蒙德·詹姆斯(Raymond James)的令人满意的解决方案。从我们的第一次会议开始,我感到“听到”,我的处境和故事得到了尊重。我与你们中的任何一个人进行互动 - 亲自通过电子邮件或电话 - 仅证实了这种感觉。您代表像我这样的人所做的出色工作,但不知道如何驾驶上诉/像您一样的调解/仲裁过程。我将永远感激不尽。” M.L.
    “良好的积极经验。引导我们度过了一个艰难的过程,并对结果感到满意。我处理的每个人都非常出色。” A.G.
    "Good intelligent attorneys who never miss a beat. I set my expectations high, and they delivered above and beyond. Do not miss the opportunity to let SSEK represent you. Top-notch, efficient and effective firm." S.M.
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