Make Credit Rating Agencies Collectively Liable for Inaccuracies, Proposes Lawmaker

House Financial Services subcommittee chair Paul Kanjorski introduced a new draft bill that proposes making credit ratings agencies collectively liable for inaccuracies. The agencies received a lot of heat when they failed to properly warn investors about the risks associated with subprime mortgage securities before the market fell.

One problem with the current system is that the firms issuing the securities are the ones paying the credit ratings agencies for rating the securities. Kanjorski’s draft bill lets investors pursue针对信用评级机构的诉讼鲁ck或故意没有检查关键数据以确定评分。他说,集体责任可能会迫使评级机构提供可靠的质量评级,同时为他们提供适当的互相监控动力。


Kanjorski said that his proposal was a “start,” which comes as Congress intensifies its watch over the credit ratings agency industry and the Obama administration calls for stricter government oversight.



同时,两名前穆迪的雇员,前分析师埃里克·科尔钦斯基(Eric Kolchinsky)和前合规性斯科特·麦克莱基(Scott McCleskey)的高级副总裁,指责穆迪(Moody)不当行为,包括遇到利益冲突,有意夸大评级以及未能实施“市政证券的有意义的监视”,尽管信贷评级机构的陈述相反。bob200体育穆迪承认错误地判断了次级抵押贷款崩溃的幅度,但说这些指控“不支持”。

Recently, the SEC proposed rules that would put a stop to conflicts of interest and allow for greater transparency for credit ratings agencies.

当次级抵押贷款市场崩溃时,许多投资者遭受了巨大的财务损失。我们的bob200体育证券欺诈律师事务所致力于帮助我们的客户恢复这些损失。接触Shepherd Smith Edwards&Kantas Ltd Llp今天。

The Role and Impact of Credit Rating Agencies on the Subprime Credit Markets,Sec.Gov,2009年9月26日
