
Barbara Duka, the ex-head of Standard & Poor’s commercial mortgage-backed securities, is on trial before a Securities and Exchange Commission administrative law judge. Duka is accused of inflating the ratings of commercial mortgage-backed securities and not telling investors that she and her team had changed the way they formulated ratings for the securities in 2011.



SEC去年在委员会和两名州检察长宣布他们已经与标准普尔达成7700万美元的和解协议的那一刻。监管机构的案件是在提起的花旗集团(C)and Goldman Sachs Group(GS) had to withdraw a $1.5B commercial mortgage-backed securities offering because S & P told them about an internal review of the securities ratings. Duka, meantime, sued the SEC, questioning whether it had the right to pursue cases in-house before its own judge instead of in court. Although a district court judge ruled that the SEC could not move forward with its case against Duka, a federal appeals court decided otherwise.

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Standard & Poor’s (“S&P”) has just downgraded the general obligation rating of Puerto Rico from a rating of B to a rating of CCC +. The ratings agency said the downgrade was because the market access prospects for the U.S. territory have weakened even further and Puerto Rico’s ability to fulfill its financial commitments is becoming more and more linked to the economic and business conditions in the Commonwealth, which are not strong.

信贷评估者还将一般义务评级为“信用观察”负数,这意味着该评级可能会降低垃圾债券状态,并更接近违约。标准普尔(S&P)在波多黎各销售税融资公司的第一名和第二名销售税债券上也降低了其从B到CCC +的评级。波多黎各雇员退休系统和波多黎各市政财务局的债券也获得了降级,但前景负面看法。


信用评级机构标准普尔将支付15亿美元,以解决许多诉讼,指控该公司将抵押证券的评级膨胀到2008年的经济危机之前。bob200体育作为交易的一部分,标准普尔的母公司麦格劳·希尔(McGraw Hill)将向美国司法部支付6.875亿美元,并在哥伦比亚地区和19个州的评级案件中支付6.875亿美元。

The U.S. sued the credit rater in 2013, asking for $5 billion and claiming that S & P had bilked investors. The company fought the claims, arguing that the First Amendment protected its ratings and contending that the mortgage ratings case was the government’s way of retaliating after S & P downgraded the United States’ own credit rating. As part of the settlement, the credit rating agency said it found no evidence that retaliation was a factor.




穆迪(Moody)和信用评级机构标准(Moody's and Credit Cration Agency)标准和穷人对交易进行了三重评级,因此即使是保守的投资者也购买了次级贷款支持的证券。bob200体育投资后来证明是高风险。当房屋市场失败时,债券损失损失了数十亿美元的投资者。

标准普尔已同意解决美国证券交易委员会的指控,指控信用评级机构在评级某些不当行为时犯有欺诈bob200体育性不当行为commercial mortgage-backed securities。As part of the settlement, S & P will pay close to $80 million—$58 million to resolve the regulator’s case, plus $12 million to settle a parallel case by the New York Attorney General’s Office, and $7 million to resolve the Massachusetts Attorney General’s case.

美国证券交易委员会(SEC)提出了三个命令,以针对信用评估者提出解决行政程序。一个订单处理了S&P涉及导管融合SMB评级方法的实践。该委员会表示,信用评级机构的公开披露歪曲了,当应用另一种方法用于对几个导管融合CMBS交易进行评估时,它正在采用一种方法,以及对两项交易进行初步评级。为了解决这些索赔,标准普尔将在一年内不会对Conduit Fusion Fusion CMBS进行评分。

The SEC’s second order said that after S & P was frozen out of the market for its conduit fusion ratings in 2011, the credit rating agency published a misleading and false article claiming to show that it’s overhauled credit ratings criteria enhancement levels could handle economic stress equal to “Great Depression-era levels.” The Commission said that S & P’s research was flawed, were made based on inappropriate assumptions, and the data used was decades off from the Depression’s serious losses. Without denying or admitting to the findings, S & P has consented to publicly retract the misleading and false data about the Depression era-related study and rectify inaccurate descriptions that were published about its criteria.

根据华尔街日报,标准普尔的评级服务即将到达bob200体育证券和解通过监管机构对房地产债券的分级方式进行评级。该协议将解决美国证券交易委员会,马萨诸塞州检察长玛莎·科克利(Martha Coakley)和bob200体育纽约检察长埃里克·施耐德曼(Eric Sc​​hneiderman)的要求。



虽然波多黎各的债务has been downgraded to “junk” status by the three major ratings agencies (Standard & Poor’s, Moody’s, and Fitch Ratings),OppenheimerFunds(OPY)在其两个市政债券基金中增加了波多黎各债务的持有,其风险较低。信贷评估者将美国联邦对其经济失败和资助资本市场缺陷的能力降低的担忧降级。

根据路透社,Lipper Inc.说,去年年底Oppenheimer Rochester短期市政基金(ORSCX)波多黎各债务的接触比一年前增加了13%,而中级市政基金将其曝光率翻了一番,达到17%。(从那时起,这两家资金的持股细节仍然不可用。)两者都限制了他们可以遏制多少垃圾评级债务的限制。但是,由于在购买后,美国领土的债务被降低了,因此属于大众金融集团的一部分的Oppenheimer可能没有义务卸载资产。

该公司继续支持Puerto Rico municipal bonds,,,,even as a lot of other mutual fund firms have lowered their exposure to Puerto Rico debt. This week, Oppenheimer downplayed the investment risk involved, noting that most bonds involved are insured (路透社报道说,中间基金中有27%的持股量,而短期基金中的股份却没有4%,没有保险)。

本周,标准普尔(标准普尔(S&P))削减了信用评级波多黎各对垃圾债务的一般义务债务由于担心无法进入资本市场而导致的状态。S&P已将美国领土的评级定为去年年底这样的降级。现在,信用评级机构宣布,正式发布该降级为“ BB” - 投资等级下的水平。




这允许这些UBS资金看到over $1.6 billion。此外,这些损失没有考虑到这些资金以外购买波多黎各债券的投资者的损失,或者通过经纪人出售的额外杠杆贷款损失了额外的资金。


The attorneys general of Washington, Arizona, South Carolina, Arkansas, Pennsylvania, Colorado, North Carolina, Delaware, Missouri, Idaho, Maine, Mississippi, Indiana, Tennessee, and Iowa want theirbob200体育证券案件反对标准普尔的评级服务及其母公司McGraw-Hill Companies Inc.送回了州法院。他们认为这些案件没有联邦管辖权。


It was the U.S. Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation that moved the 15 state securities lawsuits against Standard & Poor’s to New York’s federal court. Panel chairman Judge Kathryn Vratil, who presides over the U.S. District Court for the District of Kansas, said that they had determined that the “actions involve common question of fact” and centralizing them would be more convenient and expedient for everyone involved. One common “question of fact” was over whether the credit rater “intentionally misrepresented” that its structured finance securities analysis was unbiased, autonomous, and not impacted by its business ties with securities issuers.
