



The SEC’s complaint said that the company employed endorsements by celebrities, used social media, and engaged in other marketing strategies to raise $600M. A sales pitch was used touting an algorithmic trading application that could engage in trades using different cryptocurrencies. Customers were told that they could get a Visa-affiliated credit card that would allow them to spend in over 700 kinds of cryptocurrencies and that the AriseCoin cryptocurrency could be used to purchase certain consumer services and goods.

The company purportedly failed to disclose the criminal records of certain executives. For example, AriseBank Co-Founder and CEO Jared Rice was previously charged with tampering with government records and felony theft. He is on probation after pleading guilty to the criminal charges. AriseBank President Kevin Spencer has been arrested a number of times and convicted. He went to prison for five years for felony robbery and was forced to pay a $250K fine. The SEC notes that investors should have been told about these convictions and the guilty plea so they could better determine whether to invest. Also, the criminal records of the two men would have impacted whether the Defendants could be granted the proper licenses to operate and run a financial institution.

The court, which granted the SEC’s order to stop the alleged ICO fraud, ordered a freeze of AriseBank’s assets and approved the naming of a receiver, who will be allowed to secure different AriseBank-held cryptocurrencies right away, including Bitcoin, Bitshares, Litecoin, Dogecoin, and BitUSD.

赖斯,联合创始人斯坦利·福特(Stanley Ford)和AriseBank是SEC案中的被告。该委员会希望对两名男子的诉讼加上利息,罚款,永久禁令和酒吧。

得克萨斯州银行部还发布了一项停止和停止命令,以反对AriseBank,要求它立即停止运营。According to the state’s Banking Commissioner, Charles G. Cooper, AriseBank’s use of the word “bank” in its name, as well as in marketing collateral, violates the Texas Finance Code because it creates the impression that the company is engaged in banking in Texas. Rice responded with a letter in which he refused to comply.

我们的Texas securities fraud lawyersrepresent investors throughout the state. ContactShepherd Smith Edwards和Kantas,Ltd LLPtoday for your free, no obligation case consultation.



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