
纽约南部地区的美国地方法院已决定,前联邦抵押贷款协会的高管确实必须与证券交易委员会执法诉讼抗衡,因为他们涉嫌在低估该公司对高风险贷款的曝光方式方面的作用。bob200体育前单一家庭抵押业务EVP Thomas Lund和前首席风险官员Enrico Dallavecchia试图驳回诉讼,因为他们说委员会未能对他们提起诉讼,因此前单身抵押业务EVP托马斯·隆德(Thomas Lund)和前首席风险官员恩里科·达拉维奇(Enrico Dallavecchia)试图驳回诉讼。保罗·克罗蒂(Paul Crotty)法官否认了他们的动议。

美国证券交易委员会(SEC)声称,前房利美(Fannie Mae)高管误导了投资者,因为当他们未能在抵押公司的公开披露中透露此信息时,公司在涉嫌“ ALT-A”贷款和次级贷款的实际程度上误导了投资者。结果,房利美(Fannie Mae)低估了其抵押贷款风险数百美元。

被告反驳说,由于1934年《美国证券交易所法》第3(c)条,由于房利美是该国的独立建立,因此政府机构免于责任。bob200体育但是,克罗蒂(Crotty)并不同意房利美(Fannie Mae)并未属于“独立机构”类别,因为它是一家私人公司,由董事会经营,没有获得联邦资金,并在公共场合进行交易。

The court also disagreed with the defendants’ contention that the SEC did not succeed in alleging that an “actionable” omission or representation occurred, instead finding that the Commission did an adequate job of pleading that Fannie Mae’s “quantitative subprime and Alt-A disclosures” failed to include all the loans that fell under these two loan categories. The court also found that the Commission did a sufficient job of alleging that Fannie Mae did not make sure the subprime loans it obtained via certain loans it acquired from Countrywide Home Loans were factored into its calculations. As for the Alt-A loans, the court said that the SEC also did an adequate job of pleading that Fannie Mae did not disclose that it had “instructed certain lenders” to not label some specific low-documentation loans as Alt-A loans, while leaving these loans out when figuring out its exposure calculations.


“The public should note that the SEC and prosecutors will not pursue case against MF Global CEO John Corzine after over a billion dollars of his clients’ money disappeared, and financial firm heavyweights such as Goldman Sachs (GS), Deutsch Bank (DB), and美林林奇(MER)证券律师威廉·谢泼德(William Shepherd)说。bob200体育“与此同时,房利美(Fannie Mae)和弗雷迪·麦克(FREDDY MAC)(FMCC)的受薪员工显然因做老板国会告诉他们要做的事情而被起诉。”




弗雷迪·麦克(Freddie Mac)和房利妮(Fannie)从纽约证券交易所(New York Stock Exchange)股票后脱落,股票经纪人欺诈博客,2010年6月25日

高盛(Goldman Sachs)以5.5亿美元的价格解决SEC次级抵押贷款与抵押贷款相关费用,股票经纪人欺诈博客,2010年7月30日

