Articles Posted in次级抵押贷款

美国司法部已提交民事bob200体育证券欺诈案反对前高级德意志银行(DB)交易员保罗·曼吉恩(Paul Mangione)。据政府称,负责该银行次级交易的曼吉昂(Mangione)参加了一个欺诈性骗局,其中涉及虚假陈述该银行正在出售的两份住宅抵押支持证券的贷款,导致投资者损失了数亿美元。bob200体育

司法部的RMB欺诈投诉认为,Mangione在出售ACE 2007-HE5和ACE 2007-HE4时犯了欺诈,分别为4亿美元和1B美元的证券。bob200体育据称,他通过误导了投资者对支持DB房屋贷款的投资和原始做法的贷款来做到这一点。

根据美国政府的说法,这位前德意志银行的首席交易员“欺诈性地诱使”不同的投资者,包括金融机构,养老金计划,政府资助的版本和宗教组织,将近1.5亿美元在两个RMBS上投资,导致“巨大损失”为他们。据称,Mangione为HE5和HE4提供了提供的文件,即他知道包括关于合规性贷款指南,贷款特征,评估准确性和其他事项的虚假陈述。这些文件使DB Home似乎已经制定了“产生质量贷款”的承销准则,以及适当监督贷款生产的流程。

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A U. S. district court judge said that Deutsche Bank AG (DB) must face part of a mortgage fraud case accusing the German bank of bilking investors who purchased over $5.4M of preferred securities. The plaintiffs, led by two individuals and Belmont Holdings Corp., claim that Deutsche Bank hid its exposure to the subprime mortgage market.

Doborah Batts法官拒绝了该银行的出价,以11/07和2/08售出的证券约为2.55美元。bob200体育但是,她确实驳回了涉及5/07、7/07和5/08售出的2.9B证券的索赔。bob200体育投资者声称,德意志银行应该在提供文件中通知他们,该文件通过抵押债务义务和住宅抵押贷款支持的证券在次级市场上有重大风险。bob200体育他们认为,早期通知可能会阻止他们在其价值下降之前购买优先证券,从而造成数十亿美元的损失。bob200体育

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根据Alayne Fleischmann的说法,提供了证据的举报人,该证据帮助居民居住在130亿美元的抵押贷款和解中摩根大通(JPM)to the U.S. Department of Justice last year, that amount was not enough. Fleischmann, a lawyer, joined the financial firm as a deal manager in 2006.



在曼哈顿州最高法院,梅尔文·施韦特策法官发现JPMorgan Chase (JPM)当投资者伦纳德·布拉瓦特尼克(Leonard Blavatnik)的帐户中,将高风险的次级抵押贷款置于违反合同的情况下。现在,这家金融公司必须向俄罗斯裔亿万富翁支付超过5000万美元的赔偿金 - 违反赔偿金为4250万美元,从2008年5月开始向5%的利息支付赔偿金。但是,摩根大通对疏忽大意不承担任何责任。

福布斯杂志说,布拉瓦特尼克(Blavatnik)是世界上第44位最富有的人,他于2009年针对摩根大通提起了证券欺诈案。他认为,这家投资银行损失了超过1亿美元的CMMF L.L.Lbob200体育.L.C.,这是一项基金,这是一项基金的投资。他的公司创建了该行业。他说摩根大通向他保证,这笔钱将保守投资,而是违反了20%抵押贷款支持证券bob200体育当它错误分类的证券被次级贷款池(Abs Home-Equbob200体育ity Loans)支持的证券限制为资产支持而不是MBS。

Access, Blavatnik’s company, claims that the bank kept holding the securities even though it knew that they were not right for the portfolio. In May 2008, CMMF shut down the account.

监管机构已暂停Cedar Brook Financial Pbob200体育artners经纪人Howard Slater和Michael Perlmuter和公司执行官Azim Nakhooda的证券许可,并指控他们发出了有关医疗资本Holdings Inc.和IMH基金的虚假陈述,次级抵押支持的安全。制裁是他们与金融业监管机构达成的定居点的一部分。

根据SRO,Slater,Perlmuter和Nakhooda的说法,据称还修改了三个客户帐户,以显示虚假的净值信息。在纸上膨胀帐户余额使客户投资组合的领域有风险的资金下降到锡达·布鲁克(Cedar Brook)的指导下,即这种投资不应增加一个人持股的20%以上。据称是通过电子邮件发表的不准确陈述。

All three men agreed to settle the FINRA allegations without denying or admitting the allegations. As part of their agreements, Perlmutter will pay a $40,000 fine and serve an eight-month suspension. Slater is suspended for five months and will pay $30,000.

纽约南部地区的美国地方法院拒绝了证券交易委员会的要求,要求恢复其对高盛(GS)行政人员Fabrice Tourre的反诉讼要求,原因是涉嫌与次级抵押贷款相关bob200体育的抵押债务义务有关的错误陈述。凯瑟琳·福雷斯特(Katherine Forrest)法官说,这些事实没有提供足够的国内联系来支持申请1934年证券交易所法第10(b)条。bob200体育她说,否则,每当外国欺诈交易与美国与法律证券交易的最小链接甚至在美国的最小链接时,都会允许10(b)声称这一声明,这不是“法律”。bob200体育案件是Secv。Tourre

SEC已起诉Goldman及其副总裁Tourre,涉嫌与Abacus 2007-AC1的销售和结构化有关的遗漏和错误陈述。这款2007年的CDO与次级居民抵押贷款支持的证券及其绩效有关。bob200体育委员会声称,高盛歪曲了对冲基金Paulson&Co。在选择CDO基础投资组合的RMB方面发挥的作用,而Tourre主要负责CDO交易的营销和结构性。

In 2010, Goldman settled the SEC’s claims by consenting to pay $550M, which left Tourre as the sole defendant of this case. Last year, the court dismissed one of the Section 10(B) claims predicated on $150 million note purchases made by IKB, a German bank, because ofMorrison诉National Australia Bank Ltd.In that case, the US Supreme Court had found that this section is applicable only to transactions in securities found on US exchanges or securities transactions that happen in this country. The court, however, did let the regulator move forward under Section 10(b) in regards to other ABACUS transactions, and also the 1933 Securities Act’s Section 17(a).


Noting in its holding that Section 10(b) places liability on any person that employs deception or manipulation related to the selling or buying of a security, the court said that the Commission was trying to premise the domestic move of the notes’ title from the CDO trustee to Goldman at the closing in New York as a “hook” to show liability under this section. The court pointed out that while the title of the transfer that took place in New York was legal and it wasn’t until later that the alleged fraud happened. The “fraud was perpetuated upon IKB/Loreley, not Goldman” so “no fraudulent US-based” title transfer related to the note purchase is “sufficient to sustain a Section 10(b) and rule 10b-5 claim against Tourre” for the transaction.

Goldman Sachs Ordered by FINRA to Pay $650K Fine For Not Disclosing that Broker Responsible for CDO ABACUS 2007-ACI Was Target of SEC Investigation,股票经纪人欺诈博客,2010年11月12日

Goldman Sachs Settles SEC Subprime Mortgage-CDO Related Charges for $550 Million,股票经纪人欺诈博客,2010年11月12日

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马萨诸塞州证券司声称,普特南·咨询公bob200体育司(Putnam Advisory Co.抵押债务义务由中间和次级抵押支持证券bob200体育。该州在其行政投诉中辩称,普特南(Putnam)代表投资者表示,当对冲基金Magnetar Capital(Magnetar Capital)也参与创建和构建两者和构建关键方面时,它将充当独立顾问。甚至建议将某些抵押品包含在其中,同时继续在该抵押品上处于很短的位置。普特南否认指控。

该州表示,Magnetar从两种CDO中的次级资产降级中受益,同时在积极的职位和与他们两个相关的股票职位和股票投资上获得了约6700万美元的净收益。同时,Putnam为Pyxis CDO赚了881万美元的抵押管理费。马萨诸塞州联邦政府威廉·加尔文(William F. Galvin)表示,他的办公室将继续研究银行如何误导买家次级抵押贷款支持的证券化债务工具。

In other securities news, the SEC is accusing Yorkville Advisors LLC, its president and founder Mark Angelo, and CFO Edward Schinik of revising certain books to appeal to potential investors and succeeded in getting pension funds and funds of funds to invest $280 million into two Yorkville hedge funds. This allegedly let Yorkville charge at least $10 million in excessive fees. All three three defendants are denying the allegations.

花旗集团(C)has agreed to pay $590 million settle a shareholder class action collateralized debt obligation lawsuit filed by plaintiffs claiming it misled them about the bank’s subprime mortgage debt exposure right before the 2008 economic collapse By settling, Citigroup is not admitting to denying any wrongdoing. A federal judge has approved the proposed agreement.

Plaintiffs of this CDO lawsuit include pension funds in Illinois, Ohio, and Colorado led by ex-employees and directors of Automated Trading Desk. They obtained Citigroup shares when the bank bought the electronic trading firm in July 2007. The shareholders are accusing bank and some of its former senior executives of not disclosing that Citigroup’s CDOs were linked to mortgage securities until the bank took a million dollar write down on them that year. Citigroup would later go on to write down the CDOs by another tens of billions of dollars.




This week, Citi agreed to pay a different group of investors a $25 million MBS settlement to a securities lawsuit accusing it of underplaying the risks and telling lies about appraisal and underwriting standards on residential loans of two MBS trusts. The plaintiffs, Greater Kansas City Laborers Pension Fund and the ‪City of Ann Arbor Employees’ Retirement System,‬ had sued Citi’s Institutional Clients Group. ‬

这一耗资5.9亿美元的花旗集团是迄今为止CDO的最大定居点,也是与经济危机有关的最大的。According to The Wall Street Journal, the two that outsize this was the $627 million that Wachovia Corp. (WB) agreed to pay over allegations that investors were misled about its mortgage loan portfolio’s quality and the $624 million by Countrywide Financial (CFC) in 2010 to settle claims that it misled investors about its high risk mortgage practices.

花旗集团in $590 million settlement of subprime lawsuit,《纽约时报》,2012年8月29日




Morgan Keegan Settles Subprime Mortgage-Backed Securities Charges for $200M,股票经纪人欺诈博客,2011年6月29日

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纽约南部地区的美国地方法院已决定,前联邦抵押贷款协会的高管确实必须与证券交易委员会执法诉讼抗衡,因为他们涉嫌在低估该公司对高风险贷款的曝光方式方面的作用。bob200体育前单一家庭抵押业务EVP Thomas Lund和前首席风险官员Enrico Dallavecchia试图驳回诉讼,因为他们说委员会未能对他们提起诉讼,因此前单身抵押业务EVP托马斯·隆德(Thomas Lund)和前首席风险官员恩里科·达拉维奇(Enrico Dallavecchia)试图驳回诉讼。保罗·克罗蒂(Paul Crotty)法官否认了他们的动议。

The SEC claims that former Fannie Mae executives misled investors about the actual degree to which the company was exposed to “Alt-A” loans and subprime loans when they failed to reveal this information in the mortgage firm’s public disclosures. As a result, Fannie Mae understated its mortgage exposure risk by hundreds of billions of dollars.

被告反驳说,由于1934年《美国证券交易所法》第3(c)条,由于房利美是该国的独立建立,因此政府机构免于责任。bob200体育但是,克罗蒂(Crotty)并不同意房利美(Fannie Mae)并未属于“独立机构”类别,因为它是一家私人公司,由董事会经营,没有获得联邦资金,并在公共场合进行交易。



在纽约南区美国地方法院的其他机构投资证券新闻中,肯特·惠特尼(Kenbob200体育t Whitney)是芝加哥商业交易所的前注册的地板经纪人,同意支付60万美元,以解决商品期货交易委员会的指控,以解决他提出的指控。交易所“虚假和误导性”的陈述以及其他关于贸易选择的骗局而不发布保证金的陈述。CFTC认为,在2008年5月至2010年4月之间,惠特尼(Whitney)八次从事骗局,故意发明了与纽约商业交易所CME交易地板上交易无效的清算公司。据说他已经摆脱了超过9600万美元的保证金。
