Articles Tagged with机构投资者欺诈

In Manhattan, U.S. District Judge Katherine Polk Failla ruled that a few dozen funds may pursue their mortgage-backed securities fraud lawsuits against Wells Fargo & Co. (WFC) According toReuters,涉及五项诉讼,原告包括Prudential Financial Inc.(PRU),BlackRock Inc.(BLK),TIAA-CREF和Pacific Investment Management Co.(Pimico)法官Failla法官(NCUA)(NCUA)(NCUA)(PIMICO)(PIMICO)(PIMICO)(NCUA))可以对总部位于旧金山的银行进行MBS欺诈索赔,该银行代表五个信用合作社提交,这些信用合作社在购买了2.4亿美元的住宅抵押贷款支持的证券后失败了。bob200体育

The funds are seeking to hold Wells Fargo liable for breach of contract and conflict of interest involving over four dozen trusts, breach of due care, and breach of fiduciary duty. Failla, however, did not allow claims contending violation of a NY law related to mortgage trusts, as well as claims of general negligence, to proceed.

The investors contend that the bank took “virtually no action” to make sure that lenders either bought back the faulty securities or fixed the loans that were backing the securities once they knew that the loans were poorly underwritten or had defaulted. They accused Wells Fargo of failing to act despite being aware of these problems.

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陪审团正在命令瑞士信贷(CS)向Highland Capital Management LP进行4000万美元的判决。这家总部位于德克萨斯州的对冲基金公司指责该银行将其欺骗为不稳定的房地产开发再融资。根据该裁决,在达拉斯州法院颁发的裁决,瑞士信贷在过失65%。

高地的Claymore Holdings LLC声称,该银行知道该银行对在拉斯维加斯湖的Garner投资进行了有缺陷的评估,该投资是一个庞大的住宅和度假胜地,占地3500英亩,六年前申请破产。瑞士信贷说,这项投资并不顺利,不是因为它误导了高地,而是由于经济衰退而误导了。

The hedge fund company, however, contends that the flawed appraisal used by Credit Suisse inflated the value of collateral behind $540 million in loans to refinance the community in 2007. Highland says that the motivation was the fees made by Credit Suisse to underwrite the transaction.

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