Articles Tagged withUBS Puerto Rico

在美国证券交易委员会(Sbob200体育EC)中波多黎各债券欺诈caseagainst ex-UBS Puerto Rico broker Jose Ramirez, a federal judge has found that Ramirez committed fraud and was in violation of securities laws when he directed customers to use lines of credit to purchase Puerto Rico closed-end funds. In 2015, the SEC had filed charges against Ramirez accusing him of misleading customers regarding the Puerto Rico closed-end funds while advising them to use money from UBS Bank USA credit lines to buy UBS Puerto Rico fund shares. Ramirez allegedly made an additional $2.8 million in commissions as a result. The brokerage firm fired Mr. Ramirez in 2014.

According to U.S. District Court Judge Pedro Delgado-Hernandez, who granted the SEC’s motion for summary judgment, the ex-UBS Puerto Rick broker lied to customers and failed to tell them that if their collateral went down in value and reached a certain point, the customers might need to have their accounts liquidated to pay back the loans.

In 2013, following a number of credit downgrades, the Puerto Rico closed-end funds saw a substantial drop in value. By September 2013, more than three dozen of Ramirez’s customers had $37 million in “margin maintenance calls” that required many clients to have their accounts liquidated.

According toBloomberg, the retirement system of Puerto Rico has joined a lawsuit againstUBS Financial Services, Inc. (UBS)对于退休系统以30亿美元收到的不良回报,IT根据瑞银的建议借了。六名受益人最初在2011年针对瑞银(UBS)和两名较小的经纪交易商(UBS)带来了这一波多黎各债券欺诈案。UBS是八年前司法退休系统和雇员出售的债券承销商。瑞银还担任投资顾问,顾问和债券基金经理。与债券支付的利息相比,债券收益本应获得正回报。根据瑞银(UBS)的说法,这将有助于波多黎各解决其一些退休金的短缺。但是,根据投诉,瑞银将过多的债券投入到造成“负收入”的低收益账目上。

现在,波多黎各的养老基金陷入了财务困境,最早可能会在2018年破产。系统管理员Pedro R. Ortiz表示,该系统董事会希望为养老金领取者和参与者获得“重大康复”。

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