
纽约州最高法院裁定这4500万美元机构投资者欺诈案可能会对族长伙伴和所有者林恩·蒂尔顿(Lynn Tilton)进行。这位金融家曾试图对她的欺诈指控下降。

原告是Norddeutsche Landesbank Girozentrale。这家被称为Nord/LG的德国银行投资了Tilton的Zohar债务基金。Nord/LG后来指责Tilton歪曲了该基金的结构,并对她和她的公司提起了抵押债务义务诉讼。

The German bank contends that it didn’t know that fraud might have occurred until the US Securities and Exchange Commission brought a civil case against Tilton and her firm in 2015. The regulator wants disgorgement of about $200M in allegedly bogus fees that Tilton and Patriarch purportedly collected for their services. The SEc also wants to bar Tilton from the industry.

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