爱德华·琼斯(Edward Jones)支付2000万美元以解决市政债券销售超额收费

琼斯金融公司的经纪公司子公司爱德华·D·琼斯公司(Edward D. Jones&Co。)已同意支付2000万美元,以解决美国证券和交易委员会的指控,指控该公司向新的市政债券销售支付至少460万美元。bob200体育监管机构辩称,经纪公司以比证券法所要求的更高的价格提供债券。bob200体育


监管机构说,至少爱德华兹·琼斯(Edwards Jones)对收费过高而疏忽大意,其行为与管理市政承保的标准和书面协议“不一致”。SEC表示将继续对此事进行调查。

爱德华·琼斯(Edward Jones)未能否认或承认SEC调查结果。罚款2000万美元的一部分是$ 520万美元的货币签约,再加上利息,将支付给对其Muni债券购买过多的客户。

爱德华·琼斯(Edward Jones)发言人约翰·布尔(John Boul)说,所有客户均已根据案件解决方案进行了报销。他说,将偿还约13,000名客户的520万美元。

SEC还指控爱德华·琼斯(Edward Jones)没有拥有一个监督系统,该系统可以确保某些交易的标记是合理的。据称,这些失败涉及经销商对二级市场交易的标记,这些交易涉及经纪交易商从客户那里购买市政债券,将其投入库存,并将其出售给其他客户。监管机构说,由于持有时间短,该公司作为委托人没有面临太大的风险,几乎没有在这些行业上遭受任何损失。

同时,经纪人经销商市政债券公司负责人Stina R. Wishman已被禁止该行业两年。

The SEC said that from at least February 2009 to December 2012, she obtained new issue municipal bonds for the firm’s inventory in a number of negotiated offerings and offered these bonds to customers at prices that were higher than the initial offering prices that had been worked out with the issuer before the bonds were traded. The regulator said that in certain instances, Wishman did not offer these bonds to customers at all until after trading started. Then, she would offer and sell the bonds to Edward Jones customers at prices that exceeded the initial offering prices. Wishman consented to pay $15,000 to resolve the charges.

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