
霍华德(Howard)出席了F平方投资的前首席执行官和联合创始人,必须支付超过1300万美元的费用 - 几乎是1100万美元的货币,将近140万美元的利息和近160万美元的罚款。美国地方法院法官利奥·索罗金(Leo Sorokin)在波士顿发表的最终判决是在联邦陪审团发现对投资者的虚假和误导性陈述的责任之后。


SEC被指控F平方涉及与其吹捧“成功的七年记录”有关的虚假广告,因为它声称的Alphosector策略是基于真实的投资,真实客户和真实的表演,而实际上是算法that the company claimed to use didn’t even exist during that time period of this supposed success. Instead, the data that the F-Squared marketed was a product of backtesting—not real testing—even though Present and his firm specifically stated that their AlphaSector strategy had not been backtested.

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在波士顿的联邦法院,霍华德出席了F-Squared Investments Inc.的前首席执行官兼联合创始人。bob200体育目前,被指控撒谎,该公司的旗舰产品Alphotector Model Portfolio在此过程中赚了数百万美元。

根据监管机构的说法,从2008年开始,现任将阿尔福德人吹捧为成功的往绩追溯到2001年。F平方声称,这种绩效是基于数十亿美元的财富经理制定的策略,而实际上,实际上,it was based on an algorithm that had been applied to historical market information by the manager’s intern, who was a college student at a time. Also, the track record was hypothetical and not historical.



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The SEC, following its probe, said that Virtus falsely stated in SEC filings, client presentations, marketing collateral, and other communications that the AlphaSector’s strategy had a performance history going as far back as 2001 and had for a number years outperformed the S & P 500 Index. The investment management firm is accused of accepting F-Squared’s misrepresentations as fact while disregarding the red flags that raised doubts about these statements.


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