瑞银Fails in Bid to Block $125M ARS Arbitration Case by Allina Health System

明尼苏达州的一名地方法院法官已下令Allina Health System提起的1.25亿美元的拍卖率证券仲裁案件针对bob200体育瑞银(瑞银)继续。

U.S. District Judge Michael Davis found that claimant Allina is indeed a UBS client even though the financial firm had argued that under Financial Industry Regulatory Authority rules ARS issuers are not underwriter customers. The Minnesota non-profit healthcare system had filed its securities claim over ARS it issued in October 2007 that were part of a $475 million bond issuance to finance renovations and remodeling, as well as refinance debt. UBS was its underwriter.


戴维斯法官在裁决中指出,在类似案件中,其他裁决拒绝了其他银行的论点,即根据FINRA规则,原告不被视为客户。只需要看上个月的美国第四巡回上诉法院决定让Carilion Clinic进行其ARS仲裁案件的决定花旗集团(C)和瑞银。戴维斯还拒绝了与Allina达成的协议,要求提交纽约法院或美国仲裁协会的任何争议。


瑞银(UBS)因AIG基金销售失败而被英国罚款1470万美元,,,,Bloomberg, February 12, 2013

瑞银& Citi Do Have to Arbitrate Auction-Rate Securities Case Filed by Health Care Nonprofit Carilion Clinic,机构投资者证券博客,2013年1月31日bob200体育

尽管她参与了数十起证券案件,但经纪公司仍在清理纽波特海岸证券经纪人Bambbob200体育i I. Holzer的交易。,股票经纪欺诈博客,2013年1月10日

摩根士丹利·史密斯·巴尼(Morgan Stanley Smith Barney)由FINRA仲裁小组命令支付500万美元,,,,Stockbroker Fraud Blog, January 22, 2013

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