SCHWAB子公司Options Xpress被SEC指控裸露的短卖骗局

美国证券bob200体育交易委员会(Charles Schwab Corp.裸销售计划在2008年至2010年之间。SEC针对在线期货和期权经纪公司,其首席执行官以及客户的行政命令,同时与其他三名公司官员定居。直到涉嫌证券欺诈发生的18个月后,OptionsXpress才属于Schwab的所有权。bob200体育

According to the Commission’s Division of Enforcement, the Chicago-based online futures and options brokerage and clearing agency did not meet its obligations under Regulation SHO because it repeatedly took part in a number of fake “reset” transactions that were created to make it appear as if the financial firm had bought securities of “like kind and quality.” CEO/CFO Thomas Stern, who is also named in the order, is accused of taking part in these transactions that resulted in a “continuous failures to deliver” securities to a clearing agency. Such alleged actions violate Commission rules because the SEC mandates that in most cases securities reach a clearinghouse within three days after a trade happens. Otherwise, the brokerage must borrow or buy the security so that the position is closed out by the start of the next trading day at the latest.


SEC的行政顺序也命名了一个OptionsXpress客户Jonathan I. Feldman。他被指控参加了许多涉及多个证券的虚假交易。bob200体育例如,在2009年,他购买了29亿美元的证券,同时使用他的OptionsXpress帐户出售了至少17bob200体育亿美元的期权。


同时,OptionsXpress交易和客户服务负责人Peter Bottini和合规人员Kevin Strine和Phillip Hoeh已在SEC对他们的指控下,对他们的指控涉及所谓的Naked Short Selling计划。他们被指控知道(或者如果他们不知道应该知道),他们所犯下的遗漏或行动有助于违反Reg Sho的选择。通过解决,他们不会否认或承认任何不法行为。




FINRA说,查尔斯·施瓦布公司(Charles Schwab Corp.)正在使客户放弃进行集体诉讼的权利,股票经纪人欺诈博客,2012年2月8日

SEC说,Fontana Capital LLC的创始人违反了销售规则。,股票经纪人欺诈博客,2011年2月2日

高盛(Goldman Sachs)支付了2200万美元bob200体育
我们赤裸裸的卖空证券律师代表美国各地的投资者。bob200体育我们还代表国外的客户对美国经纪人,投资顾问和经纪公司的证券索赔和诉讼。bob200体育联系sHepherd Smith Edwards和Kantas,Ltd,LLP今天。
