股票经纪人欺诈新闻综述:瑞银波多黎各定居SEC以2600万美元的价格定居SEC行动,摩根·基根(Morgan Keegan)竞标获得4万美元的RMK Advestract收入基金的奖励,并与SEC与涉及$ 1B Viaticals的律师的SEAT STAITLES STAITLES STAINLES STAINLES COUSS涉及1B Viaticals Scam


根据SEC,UBS波多黎各不仅没有向客户透露它正在控制二级市场,而且当2008年投资者的需求变得较少时,这家金融公司还从股东那里收购了数百万美元的基金股份。exiting to make it appear as if the funds’ market was stable and liquid. The Commission also contends that when UBS Puerto Rico’s parent firm told it to lower the risks by reducing its closed-end fund inventory, the Latin America-based financial firm carried through with a strategy to liquidate its inventory at prices that undercut a number of customer sell orders that were pending. As a result, closed-end fund clients were allegedly denied the liquidity information and price that they are entitled to under the law. UBS Puerto Rico must now pay a $14 million penalty, $11.5 million in disgorgement, and $1.1 million in prejudgment interest.

SEC还针对公司的前首席执行官和副主席Miguel A. Ferrer以及该公司的资本市场负责人Carlos Ortiz提起了行政诉讼。据称,费勒(Ferrer)做出了错误陈述,没有透露有关封闭式资金的某些事实,并且错误地代表了资金的市场价格和交易保费。委员会指责Ortiz虚假代表基金股价的基础。

In other stockbroker fraud news, the U.S. District Court for the District of Colorado has denied Morgan Keegan & Co. Inc.’s bid to vacate the over $40,000 arbitration award it has been ordered to pay over the way it marketed its RMK Advantage Income Fund (RMA). Judge Richard Matsch instead granted the investors’ motion to have the award confirmed, noting that there were “many factual allegations” in the statement of claim supporting the contention that the firm was liable.

根据法院,摩根·基根(Morgan Keegan)辩称,仲裁小组无权对索赔人对与基金营销相关的损害赔偿的裁决,他们通过忠实投资投资了基金。摩根·基根(Morgan Keegan)争辩说,看到它与索赔人没有业务关系,因此对他们的损失不承担任何责任,因此,FINRA仲裁小组无视适用的法律并超出了其权力。但是,地方法院不同意这家金融公司。

在其他股票经纪人欺诈新闻中,SEC已与一名佛罗里达州律师达成和解,该律师被指控涉及一家viaticals公司经营的金融骗局,该公司欺骗了超过10亿美元的投资者。限制迈克bob200体育尔·麦克纳尼(Michael McNerney)未来证券违规行为的证券诉讼是Secv。McNerney。他是现在已倒闭的共同福利公司的前外律师。




Morgan Keegan&Co。Inc.诉Pessel(PDF)




机构投资者欺诈综述:SEC寻求批准与前锻造Stearns Portfolio经理的和解协议,Credits tot-axa Rosenberg主管在定量投资案例中提供帮助;iosco为全球对冲基金调查做好准备,机构投资者证券博客,2012年3月29日bob200体育
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