纽约总检察长起诉JP Morgan Chase&Co.。

NY Attorney General Eric Schneiderman is suingJ.P. Morgan Chase&Co。(JPM)据称由其熊斯坦斯部门犯下的MBS欺诈行为。这是由住宅抵押支持的证券工作组赞助的bob200体育首次证券诉讼,该诉讼由检察官和监管机构组成,由巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)总统组成。该行动是寻求损害赔偿,这是“欺诈和欺骗性行为”的直接或间接结果。

该集团争辩说,在投资银行在2008年几乎失败之前,投资者涉及涉及Bear Stearns Cos.发行的证券的损失225亿美元,JP Morgan最终接管了它。bob200体育涉及2005年至2007年之间抵押贷款的抵押证券化是该案的中心。

According to theMBS fraud lawsuit,,,,熊牛committed financial fraud against investors when it packaged and sold mortgages that it knew (or should have known) had a good chance of defaulting. The lawsuit even quotes messages and emails supposedly sent internally at Bear Stearns showing that bank employees knew the investments they were selling were of poor quality. Schneiderman is alleging that the mortgage unit “systematically failed” when assessing loans, disregarded defects that were found, and failed to inform investors about review procedures or problems involving the loans.


自2008年以来,联邦和州监管机构一直在努力工作,以找出银行是否只是做出错误的决定或实际破坏了与在经济危机中失败的抵押证券有关的证券法。bob200体育最近针对大型公司的胜利包括美国银行(BAC)同意支付24.3亿美元以解决集体诉讼证券指控,指控其误导了投资者对美林(Merill Lynch&Co。)的收购。bob200体育但是,银行不承认或否认不法行为就解决了。

关于这一针对JP Morgan Chase的纽约MBS案,这家金融公司的发言人说,对民事诉讼感到“失望”,同时清楚地表明所谓的活动发生在购买Bear Stearns之前。

JP Morgan起诉抵押债券,《华尔街日报》,2012年10月1日

NY Attorney General Says More Suits Will Follow JPMorgan, Bloomberg, October 2, 2012





摩根·基根(Morgan Keegan)以2亿美元的价格解决次级抵押证券费用bob200体育,股票经纪人欺诈博客,2011年6月29日

摩根·基冈(Morgan Keeganbob200体育,股票经纪人欺诈博客,2010年10月6日
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