
Ex-Broker Mike Shustek is Accused of Fraudulently Enriching Himself and the Company

Michael Vincent Shustek,前MVP美国证券股票经纪人和许多房地产投bob200体育资信托(REITS)的首席执行官正面临SEC指控。自2012年以来,前经纪人被指控丰富了自己和停车位。

据称,他通过对维斯汀房地产抵押贷款I和维斯汀房地产抵押贷款II造成财务损害,这是他创立的两家房地产投资信托II。委员会辩称,Shustek从两个维斯坦房地产投资信托基金(Vestin REIT)中赚了2900万美元,参与了许多“亏损交易”,涉及反复转售同样的几座建筑物。

Benefit Street Partners Realty Trust Investors May Be Looking At More Losses

If you are an investor whose broker unsuitably recommended Benefit Street Partners Realty Trust, you may have grounds for a Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) arbitration claim to recover damages.

On July 26, this publicly registered non-traded real estate investment trust (non-traded REIT)宣布与Capstead Mortgage Corporation合并。合并后的公司将被命名为富兰克林BSP房地产信托基金,并将成为将在纽约证券交易所进行交易的普通股的第四大商业抵押REIT。

Triad Advisors and its Ex-Florida-Based Broker Placed Claimants Funds In Too Risky GPB Capital & REIT Investments

Two Utah retirees have filed a Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) arbitration claim against Triad Advisors, Inc. over losses they suffered from investing inGPB private placements以及私人交易的房地产投资信托(REITS),包括美国房地产资本信托。现在,他们正在寻求高达50万美元的损失。

这对夫妇与前三合会顾问经纪人迈克尔·佩恩(Michael Payne)合作,后者现在是佛罗里达州朗伍德市Proequities,Inc。的经纪人。他还是佛罗里达州温泉市Payne Financial Group的财务代表。

After American Realty Capital New York City Real Estate Investment Trust Went Public, Share Price Plunged

If you are a retail investor whose broker recommended that you invest in American Realty Capital (ARC) New York City Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT), you may have grounds for an unsuitable investment recommendation claim.

ARC NYC REIT是一项冒险,投机性的投资,绝对不应该向经验不足的投资者,保守投资者,老年人或退休人员推销。尽管最初是一个非交易的房地产投资信托基金(未交易的房地产投资信托基金),也是流动性不足的投资,但ARC NYC REIT于8月在纽约证券交易所(NYSE)上公开。

梅塔里,,,,LA Broker Allegedly Made Unsuitable Recommendations to Retirees

如果您因与FSCESCERITITS CORP。股票经纪人和Nettworth Financial Investment Advbob200体育isor,Frank Briseno III遭受了严重的投资损失,您可能会为金融行业监管机构(FINRA)仲裁索赔索赔以追回您的损失。

Briseno是Metairie,路易斯安那州经纪人,也与另一个FSC Securities Broker共同竞选了Nettworth Financial Group。bob200体育可能不再运营的新奥尔良投资咨询公司已被超过二十名退休人员指控不适合出售它们房地产投资信托(REITS)while generating high commissions.


最近,许多投资者对前卡洛斯资本经纪人柯蒂斯·勒罗伊·惠普尔(Curtis Leroy Whipple)提出了客户投诉,后者一直在密歇根州普利茅斯(Plymouth)出发,直到今年为止。他面临着关于不适合性,虚假陈述和缺乏与索赔人的联合发展资金IV(UDF IV)损失有关的指控。

UDF IV是一个real estate investment trust(REIT) that mostly invests in secured loans for acquiring and developing land into single-family home lots, as well as to construct homes and model homes. UDF IV and the other UDF non-traded REITs have been accused in recent years of being part of a $1B Ponzi scam. United Development Funding is based out of Dallas, Texas.

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