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纽约生活在surance Company has settled a 401(K) lawsuit accusing the company of self-dealing in its 401(k) plans. The case involved a MainStay-branded S&P 500 index mutual fund that plaintiffs believe was retained out of the insurer’s self-interest even as participants saved less money than they would have if they had been able to invest in non-proprietary funds that were less expensive.


纽约生活和its subsidiaries own and run the MainStay funds.

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一家总部位于巴西的石化制造商在美国市场上进行股票交易,已与美国证券交易委员会,美国司法部以及瑞士和巴西当局达成了9500万美元的全球和解协议。bob200体育Braskem SA被指控违反《外国腐败行为法》,并生成假书籍和记录,以隐藏数百万美元的贿赂,据称该贿赂是为了维持或赢得企业的目的。


作为和解的一部分,布拉斯姆将支付3.25亿美元的货币 - 其中6500万美元将用于SEC,260美元将交给巴西当局。另有6.32亿美元将犯有刑事处罚和罚款。Braskem将必须与独立的公司监视器合作至少三年。

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另一组原告正在起诉Edward Jones, accusing the firm of charging excessive fees and self-dealing in its 401(K) Plan. In the complaint, the brokerage firm and a number of its employees, including managing partner James Weddle and financial adviser Brett Bayston, are accused of breach of fiduciary duty related to their decision to choose costlier mutual funds when there were less expensive, equivalent funds available. Edwards Jones and its employees are also accused of choosing an “unreasonable” amount of risky investment choices and engaging in self-dealing.

据称,声称的自我交易是通过与许多基金公司的分销协议发生的,包括富兰克林·邓普顿投资公司(Franklin Templeton Investments),美国基金,贝莱德(Blkk)和高盛(GS)(GS)。原告声称,基金公司向爱德华·琼斯(Edward Jones)支付了收入分享费用,以访问其“圈养市场”,其中包括401(k)参与者和针对零售投资者的经纪业务中的“货架空间”。作为分销关系的一部分,爱德华·琼斯(Edward Jones)在其爱德华·琼斯(Edward D. Jones&Co。)的利润共享和401(k)计划中提供了基金公司的投资选择。

原告认为,这些分配关系影响了受托人做出的决定,并最终使参与者花费了数百万美元的费用。爱德华·琼斯(Edward Jones)发言人说,这些指控是虚假的,经纪人将进行“有力的防御”。

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Xerox HR解决方案is now the defendant in an alleged pay-to-play scam involving Financial Engines, Inc., which offers investment advisory services through subsidiary Financial Engines Advisors. According to the proposed class action securities case, the pay-to-play scam “conspiracy” involving the two companies compelled participants of Ford Motor Co.’s retirement plans to pay unreasonable and excessive fees. The plaintiffs are three participants in the Ford plan. The 401K-related lawsuit isChendes等人诉Xerox HR溶液


Plaintiffs said that of the $5.8M that participants paid Xerox HR for Financial Engines Services in the pay-to-play scam in 2015, 31% of that—$1.8M—was paid to Xerox. The plaintiffs are alleging that similar payments also occurred in 2012. They contend that the fees in question were not for any “substantial services” that either company provided to plan participants.

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Voya Financial Inc.(Voya)是401(k)诉讼中的被告费用过多。根据雀巢401(k)的储蓄计划参与者,Voya和托管账户提供商金融引擎提出了一项安排,使Voya能够收取与投资建议相关的服务费用过多,但没有透露这是他们交易的一部分。在Patrico诉Voya Financial,Inc。等

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汇丰控股公司(HSBC)部门与美国政府之间的递延起诉协议现在处于危险之中,因为检察官考虑是否对银行提起刑事指控。汇丰银行(HSBC)在2012年说,将支付$ 1.92B的费用,以解决涉及其高管和宽松监督的洗钱调查,使毒品卡特尔和恐怖分子进入美国金融体系。汇丰银行承认,它与伊朗等受批准的国家开展业务,并帮助墨西哥毒品卡特尔洗钱。



对资产管理公司提出了另外两项指控自我交易的401(k)诉讼。在Cryer V. Franklin Resources, Inc. et al, the employees of Franklin Resources Inc. are suing their employer. Franklin Resources (BEN) operates under the name Franklin Templeton Investments.


在the 401(K) lawsuits, they noted that the plan had invested in hundreds of millions of dollars in mutual funds that Franklin Templeton and its subsidiaries managed even though there were many other choices available. These entities manage all of the mutual funds in the Franklin Templeton 401(K) retirement plan. The plaintiffs said that Franklin Templeton chose these funds so that it could receive fees and make money.

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Another two asset management firms are the subject of separate (401)K lawsuits filed by their employees . The plaintiffs claim that American Century and New York Life, respectively, charged excessive fees in their retirement savings plans.


The plaintiffs believe that they improperly benefited from “excessive fees and expenses.” They argued that because the defendants have a financial interest in the mutual fund, they neglected to look for lower-cost funds between ’10 and now. Instead, they kept the MainStay fund, which cost 35 basis points, in the two 401(k) plans. They say that this cost participants more than $3M. The plaintiffs are alleging breach of loyalty and prudence under ERISA.

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共同基金公司T-Rowe Price Group Inc.(TROW)将为客户支付1.94亿美元,因为它在戴尔公司的管理收购期间犯了一个替代投票的错误。将向许多机构客户帐户付款,两个信托,四个美国共同基金和一项位于海外的基金。

Among the funds to benefit the most are the:

· T. Rowe Price Equity Income Fund (PRFDX)

·T. Rowe价格科学技术基金(PRSCX),预计将受到最大的影响,因为它拥有更多的Dell股份,占所有资产的百分比。

·T. Rowe价格机构大型价值基金(TILCX)


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The CFPB wants to prevent financial companies from employing mandatory arbitration clauses so as to inhibit class action securities cases involving significant quantities of plaintiffs. However, they would still be allowed to obligate consumers to resolve individual disagreements in arbitration. Companies that decide to include arbitration clauses in their contracts would have to notify the CFBP about the specifics of cases, including any awards and claims.


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