
Voya Financial Inc.(Voya)是401(k)诉讼中的被告费用过多。According to a Nestle 401(k) Savings Plan participant, Voya and managed-account provider Financial Engines came up with an arrangement that allowed Voya to collect excessive fees for service related to investment advice, but without disclosing that this was part of their deal. InPatrico诉Voya Financial,Inc。等
Voya denies any wrongdoing.

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Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co. has arrived at a nearly $31M settlement with plaintiffs of a class action securities case. They are accusing the retirement service provider of charging excessive fees in its retirement plans. The 401k lawsuit involved MassMutual’s $200M Agent Pension Plan and its $2.2B Thrift Plan. The settlement includes a $30.9M payment and non-monetary provisions that would benefit participants of the plan.

案件是丹尼斯·戈丹(Dennis Gordan)等人诉马萨诸塞州共同生命保险公司等,原告包括前计划的参与者和当前的参与者。他们指责被告通过收取过多的行政费用,违反ERISA的信托义务,并提供昂贵且不必要的风险固定收入的选择,以及尽管表现不佳,这些投资还是昂贵的。



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Anthem Inc.的401(k)计划的参与者指责该计划的受托人根据1974年的《雇员退休收入安全法》违反其信托义务。他们声称受托人在Vanguard共同基金中筹集了过多的行政和投资管理费。Vanguard Group是该基金的记录员。

根据原告的说法,该计划受托人选择了“高价”的共同基金股票,而不是相当于的班级,这些班级的成本不高,而且也可以使用该计划。As of 12/14, Anthem’s 401(k) plan offered 11 Vanguard mutual funds, including Institutional and Admiral share classes: Vanguard target-date collective investment trust funds, a fund offered by Touchstone Investments, funds by Artisan Partners, and an Anthem common stock fund. The lawsuit claims that each fund in the plan charged fees excessive to what Anthem could have gotten elsewhere with funds that were comparable.

The Anthem 401(k) fund participants also contend that Vanguard was paid excessive fees for record-keeping related services from ’10-’13, which was when the plan paid about $80-$94/participant for record keeping through revenue-sharing and hard-dollar fees. It wasn’t until 9/13 that the cost was reduced to a flat yearly fee of $42/participant.


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OCC examiners found that in late 2011 JPMorgan had not complied with restrictions placed on in-house financial products sales, as well as fulfill its duties to retirement plan investors under ERISA (the Employee Retirement Income Security Act). Following these discoveries, the agencies ordered JPMorgan to pay back fees to customers.

While the issues highlighted by the OCC more than likely won’t pose much of a problem to JPMorgan—typically the US Department Of Labor resolves such violations by ordering restitution and in a confidential manner—the alleged infractions do point to what could become a problem of regulatory tension between federal regulators and JPMorgan, as the former group seeks to put to rest criticism that its poor oversight played a role in allowing the financial crisis of 2008 to happen. Now, since Thomas Curry took over as Comptroller of the Currency, OCC appears to have made it a priority to monitor the growing risks that can arise via routine bank functions, as well as from activities that could lead to “operational risks.”

JPMorgan Chase’s assets under management that are found in its proprietary mutual funds reached $223 billion at the start of 2013, which a significant rise from $96 billion in 2009. All assets under the bank’s purview, including retirement plans, alternate assets, and funds, have been growing for 16 quarters in a row.

Also during 2013’s first quarter, a $31 billion gain allowed JPMorgan’s client assets to hit $2.1 trillion. Unlike other asset managers, the bank conducts securities underwriting, commercial banking, and money management on such a big scale and in such an interlinked fashion that, per guidelines in the OCC’s exam handbook, such actions merit more regulatory examination.

Regulators & ERISA Assets

As OCC doesn’t directly supervise ERISA, its perspective is via supervising banks’ winder duties to make sure operations are performed in a way that decreases operational risks, as well as reputational and legal harm. Although monitoring ERISA compliance has long been part of OCC’s examination wheelhouse, some observers are finding that the agency’s current concentration on both the Act and how banks sell proprietary investment instruments is an add-on previous monitoring practices.

美国证券bob200体育交易委员会还在研究摩根大通及其专有产品销售。虽然目前尚不知道该机构的询问是否会导致正式诉讼,但许多前jpmorgan Chase财务顾问已经起诉或提起仲裁索赔,指控该银行向他们施加迫使他们将客户资产置于内部产品中。金融公司否认证券的案件指控。bob200体育



加利福尼亚AG对JP Morgan Chase提起诉讼,指控滥用债务超过100,000个信用卡案件,股票经纪人欺诈博客,2013年5月16日

德克萨斯州法官向保诚付出了Verizon Retirees的集体诉讼,超过$ 8.4B的退休金销售,股票经纪欺诈博客,2013年7月9日

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