
金融业监管机构小组裁定UBSmust pay claimant Antonio Gnocchi Franco $204,000 in compensatory damages and $66,000 in costs for his Puerto Rico bond fraud case. Franco, a Puerto Rico resident who was also the trustee of his law firm’s pension plan, accused the brokerage firm of negligence, misrepresentation, breach of fiduciary duty, breach of contract, unauthorized trading, unsuitability, overconcentration, failure to supervise, unauthorized use of loan facilities, and unjust enrichment. According to the complaint, UBS had recommended that Franco invest in UBS bond funds and Puerto Rico bonds.



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金融业监管机构小组在其波多黎各债券欺诈案中判给五人521,000美元的赔偿金瑞银金融服务(UBS)波多黎各(UBS-PR)的UBS Financial Services Inc.。索赔人指控金融公司涉嫌证券欺诈,建设性欺诈,普通法欺诈,疏忽大意,违反信托义务以及违反《波多黎各bob200体育统一证券法》。


For over four years, our Puerto Rico bond fraud law firm has worked with investors on the island and the U.S. to help those investors recover their losses from losses in Puerto Rico securities. Contact Shepherd Smith Edwards and Kantas today to request your free, no obligation consultation.

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在投诉中,美国证券交易委员会(美国证券交易委员会)bob200体育提出了一项指控Malachi Financial Products,Inc。及其主要的市政银行欺诈针对密西西比州银行欺诈的Porter B. Bingham的民用枢纽行动。根据监管机构的说法,玛拉基(Malachi)和宾厄姆(Bingham)向这座城市指控了这座城市,该城市对涉及2015年10月的Muni债券的市政咨询服务。

Rolling Fork had hired Malachi in the capacity of municipal adviser in 2015 because of a proposed bond offering to pay for a number of improvement projects in the city. The SEC contends that after the closing of the offering, the firm and its principal submitted two invoices to the bond trustee, one—for $33,000—was for services that were never rendered and had never been authorized by the Mississippi city. The other, for $22K, was in line with what Malachi and Rolling Fork had agreed upon.

Bingham purportedly did not disclose to Rolling Fork that he had received $2,500 from Anthony Stovall, who worked for Bonwick Capital Partners. LLC, prior to Malachi recommending to the city that it retain Stovall’s firm as an underwriter for the bond offering. Rolling Fork went on to hire the underwriting firm because of the recommendation.

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根据a recentCNBC调查不仅瑞银波多黎各(UBS-PR)未能向投资者披露债券基金所涉及的风险ubs向岛上的居民推动的风险,而且经纪公司也忽略了经纪人,以充分了解其自己的经纪人令人难以置信的风险。虽然这些发现并不新鲜,但CNBC探测更深入地研究此事。

The majority of these investors were island locals, who have now also been further devastated as a result of Hurricane Maria. Already, UBS has come under fire and paid hundreds of millions of dollars in securities settlements and awards from FINRA arbitration panels over losses investors sustained when these investments failed dramatically more than four years ago. UBS also has settled with regulators, including the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and FINRA, and paid over $60 million for its wrongful conduct and abuse of investors. The firm did not, however, deny or admit to wrongdoing.

UBS Executives Purportedly Knew Puerto Rico Bonds Would Fail
CNBC的调查团队获得了大约“ 2,000页的机密文件”,这些文件显示在波多黎各和美国大陆的瑞银高管之间的对话和“内部运作”。根据文件,波多黎各资金失败了一年,瑞银管理层已经知道问题正在酿造,他们讨论了如果公司不立即处理这些问题,可能会发生什么。

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马克汉姆市前市长戴维·韦伯(David Webb)已同意部分解决SEC提起的欺诈指控,指控他参与了550万美元municipal bond scam. The regulator accused Webb of taking part in a pay-to-play scheme that involved a $75K bribe from a construction contractor. In return, Webb is accused of directing one of the city’s construction projects to the contractor. The alleged fraud involved a $5.5 muni bond offering that the city offered in 2012.

根据委员会的投诉,在当年的马克汉姆理事会会议上,会谈授权550万美元的一般义务保证金以帮助支付某些城市项目。正是在这次谈话中,一名与会者说她听说过溜冰场的主人“不当受益”。溜冰场的所有者当时是Markham的城市律师,滚筒是涉及的城市项目之一。然而,韦伯回答说“我没有达成交易”,即使据称最近曾贿赂建筑承包商。监管机构声称,涉及该市Roesner Park Development项目的付费骗局已经到位。


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Reuters报道说,参议员投资集团,君主替代资本和Stone Lion LP(所有对冲基金)在玛丽亚飓风造成的破坏之后,已经摆脱了数亿美元的波多黎各一般义务保证金。同样,另一个对冲基金Varde Partners不再拥有1.36亿美元的Cofina债务。投资者一直希望该岛的债券能在今年早些时候申请破产后反弹。但是,现在,波多黎各的恢复预计在暴风雨后需要更长的时间。债务价格已经下降到巨大的低点,而玛丽亚造成了数百亿美元的损失。



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富兰克林(Franklin)也被称为富兰克林·邓普顿(Franklin Templeton),是波多黎各邦德(Puerto Rico Bonds)的第二大持有人。OppenheimerFunds (OPY)is the largest.


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艾玛飓风和玛丽亚造成的财务影响不仅在波多黎各岛上,而且在美国大陆。波多黎各邦德斯(Puerto Rico)的邦德斯(Puerto Rico)的邦德斯(Bonds)在暴风雨前已经陷入困境,因为该岛的经济步履蹒跚和破产,预计将受到更多打击。穆迪的投资者服务评估了已经处于CAA3评级的债券的未来,为负。评级机构表示,飓风造成的“商业破坏”将进一步消耗波多黎各的“已经疲软的经济”。所有这些都预计不仅会影响波多黎各债券,而且会影响基于美国大陆的共同基金,这意味着投资者将受到影响。

根据InvestmentNews,Morningstar表示,15个市政债券基金,“其中14个来自Oppenheimer基金(OPY)”,至少有10%的投资组合中的岛国债券。第15基金来自中流台。Morningstar报告说,到9月28日,该月的平均水平损失了1.57%。Oppenheimer Rochester Maryland Municipal Bond(ORMDX)在波多黎各债券中拥有26%的投资组合,被认为是表现最差的人。除Oppenheimer和Mainstay外,其他正在从波多黎各债券中亏损的美国资金包括The New York Times

·Paulson&Co。,已向波多黎各证券投资了数十亿美元。bob200体育华尔街公司由对冲基金经理约翰·鲍尔森(John A. Paulson)经营。

根据InvestmentNews,关于摩根士丹利(MS)及其前经纪人Angel Aquino-Velez(Aquino-Velez)的FINRA仲裁索赔有六项悬而未决的仲裁索赔。索赔人声称通过在迈阿密和经纪公司购买的,他们通过迈阿密和经纪公司购买的波多黎各封闭式资金和债券出售的陈述和不合适。

InvestmentNews还报告说,根据FINRA的BrokerCheck数据库,摩根士丹利已经解决了与阿基诺 - 维尔维斯和波多黎各市政债券投资有关的四项FINRA仲裁索赔。几个月前离开摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)的阿基诺 - 维尔维斯(Aquino-Velez)最近出售波多黎各科菲纳(Cofina)债券,这些债券是由美国领土的营业税收入支持的证券。bob200体育在摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)工作之前,阿基诺 - 维尔维斯(Aquino-Velez)曾在瑞银金融服务(UBS)和美林(Merrill Lynch)(BAC)工作。

At Shepherd Smith Edwards and Kantas, LTD LLP, our Puerto Rico bond fraud lawyers have been working hard these past four years to help investors who sustained serious losses when the island’s municipal bonds began to fall in value in 2013. For many of our clients, their portfolios should not have been so heavily concentrated in Puerto Rico bond funds and bonds, if at all, except that they were given bad investment advice. Many investors lost everything.
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MarketWatch报道说,随着飓风玛丽亚飓风之后,波多黎各可能会有几个月的权力,这可能意味着持有90亿美元波多黎各电气机构(PREPA)债券的投资者可能最终永远不会看到他们在美国投资的资金territory’s electrical authority. Meantime, Puerto Rico’s residents must now also grapple with recovering from the physical devastation caused by the heavy rains, winds and flooding from Hurricane Maria.

停电仅在PrepA申请破产保护的三个月后,并任命了与该领土的740亿美元债务打交道的财务监督委员会拒绝了电气机构与一组保险公司和债券持有人之间的重组协议。对于许多波多黎各投资者而言,玛丽亚飓风在投资波多黎各债券和封闭债券基金的重大损失仅四年后,这是经纪公司(Santander Securities(San)等经纪公司,Banco Pocult,UBS PUERTO RICO(UBS PUERSO)(UBS PUERSO)(UBS PUERSO)(UBS PUERSO)(UBS)bob200体育-pr),东方金融服务和其他人被吹捧为低风险,安全的投资,即使是没有投资组合来处理实际涉及的实际风险的客户。

Currently, there are thousands of Puerto Rico bond fraud and closed-end bond fraud cases awaiting arbitration hearings before the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA). Our Puerto Rico bond fraud attorneys at Shepherd Smith Edwards and Kantas have been representing investors on the island and the US mainland in helping them try to recover these investment losses.

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