
已经达成了另一种投资欺诈解决方案Purshe Kaplan Sterling Investments密歇根州的萨吉诺·奇珀瓦印度部落,独立经纪交易商将支付950万美元。The tribe had filed an arbitration claim contending that it didn’t know that it was paying the firm millions of dollars in commissions on $190M of alternative investments that were purchased through former Purshe Kaplan broker Gopi Krishna Vungarala between 2011 and 2015, including shares in business development companies and non-traded real estate investments trusts (REITs).

Vungarala was not only the Michigan tribe’s broker but also he served as its investment manager, tasked with overseeing its portfolio. He has been accused by theFinancial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA)也是关于委员会的部落。

The self-regulatory authority (SRO) recently sought to bar the Purshe Kaplan broker from the industry after the alleged fraud occurred—a motion that is on appeal. FINRA also ordered him to disgorge nearly $9.7M plus interest. The SRO said that Vungarala neglected to tell the tribe that it qualified to receive over $3.3M in volume discounts, which would have lowered how much he made in commissions from the sales.

麻烦正在酝酿中非交易房地产投资信托(REITS)和now, investors are filing claims for their losses. One of the REITs,NorthStar Healthcare Income, Inc.,,,,suspended distributions to investors on February 1.

自2015年12月以来,公开注册的房地产投资信托基金(REIT)开始收购,起源和监督医疗保健行业的证券。bob200体育Northstar告诉投资者,涉及绩效和运营的挑战已导致2018年的估计价值/份额降低,而2017年6月底的$ 8.50 NAV/股票到2018年12月12月的NAV/股票7.10美元。

The nontraded REIT’s board cited a number of reasons for the decrease: a cash flow affected by the senior housing market, labor costs related to the investments that have impacted the REIT’s portfolio, more cash flow issues—this one impacting the skilled nursing industry—and assets’ income losses.

如果你是一个投资者inNorthStar Healthcare Income,,,,you very likely received a letter last month notifying you that monthly distributions from this investment have been suspended. According to NorthStar’s board, the publicly registered非交易房地产投资信托’s (nontraded REIT) portfolio has been undergoing “operational and performance challenges” that as of the end of June 2017 has resulted in a “lower estimated value/share” of the NorthStar Healthcare’s common stock. The nontraded REIT has since determined that in order to protect both capital and its financial state, suspension of these distribution payments is necessary.

Northstar Healthcare Inc.非交易房地产投资信托基金(REIT)成立,旨在起源,获取和监督与医疗保健行业相关的投资,包括债务,权益和涉及医疗保健房地产的证券投资。bob200体育消息人士指出,在2013年至2018年之间,它筹集了约2B美元,并建立了涉及650多个物业的投资组合。

但是,Northstar Healthcare收入开始降低2017年12月的分配率。到去年10月,它已通知投资者,如果合格的残疾或死亡是因素,它将仅从投资者那里回购股票。2018年12月,非交易房地产投资信托基金将其净资产价值从8.50美元/股降低至$ 7.10/股。现在,随着分销暂停的,一些投资者不仅要失去他们的每月分销,而且还可以看到他们最初投资的本金的价值大幅下降。

SII投资to Pay Back Clients Over Nontraded REITs

马萨诸塞州英联邦威廉·加尔文(William Galvin)的秘书正在订购SII Investments Inc.,以偿还通过独立经纪公司购买非交易房地产投资信托的客户。根据加尔文办公室的说法did not properly supervise这些交易。


金融业监管机构小组正在下令向大西洋资本公司中部支付David Wellman和Beverly Bien $ 922K。这位已婚夫妇在投资索诺玛岭合作伙伴(房地产私人位置),KBS赞助的非交易REIT,银和黄金交易所交易的资金(ETF)之后,起诉了这家独立经纪公司,以造成损失,和contago石油和天然气证券。bob200体育他们声称,中大西洋资本公司对过失的虚假陈述,疏忽,疏忽,违反信托义务,违反合同,疏忽大意,疏忽,赔偿,赔偿,普通法欺诈和违反科罗拉多州的证券法案。bob200体育


索诺玛·里奇(Sonoma Ridge)的合作伙伴此前称为JADDA有保证的高级抵押基金,被提升为低收益CD的替代方案,以及股票市场的波动性。它应该使年收益率9-11%。此外,尽管Bien购买了大部分流动性房地产投资,但根据私人安置行业规则,她缺乏必要的净资格作为认可的投资者。

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Jason Vanclef and his brokerage firm VFG Securities Inc. have settled the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority’s case accusing them of not adequately supervising their brokers so that clients’ portfolios did not end up concentrated in illiquid investments. Vanclef and VFG Securities, however, are not denying or admitting to the claims made in the complaint.

根据FINRA,,,,from 11/2010 to 6/2012, nearly 95% of the broker-dealer’s revenue came from direct participation programs (DPP) and非交易房地产投资信托s(nontraded REIT) sales. The illiquid investments were sold retail customers.

FINRAclaimed that Vanclef had used “The Wealth Code,” which was the book that he authored, as a sales tool to promote investing in DPPs and非交易房地产投资信托基金并吸引潜在的投资者。监管机构的解决方案指出,范克夫夫在书中反复吹捧两种流动性的投资作为提供资本保存和更好的回报,这是Finra所说的“不准确和误导性”,并与该公司提供的不交易REITS招股物提供的信息发生冲突和DPP。

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Texas-Based Brokerage Firm Accused of Inadequate Supervision Involving VA Exchanges
金融行业监管机构正在订购IMS Securities Inc.支付10万美元的罚款。bob200体育这家总部位于德克萨斯州的经纪公司被指控与其监视可变年金交换有关的失败。但是,通过解决,它并不否认或承认这些指控。
根据自我调节的权威,该公司展示了inadequate supervisory procedures对于涉及可变年金的交易中的“有问题的汇率”。FINRA声称,从7/15/13到7/8/14,IMS证券取决于其首席财务官以审查年金交易所,但没有提供bob200体育工具或指导来帮助寻找“有问题的汇率”。经纪交易商被指控不探测VA交换的“有问题的模式”,也没有执行与合并报告有关的书面监督程序。

根据InvestmentNews,如果投资者决定通过出售仲裁,许多独立的经纪交易商可以在合法的热水中找到自己UDF real estate investment trusts。United Development Funding is under investigation over allegations that the UDF IV was run for years like a Ponzi scam. UDF IV was initially a nontraded real estate investment trust that later became listed as a publicly traded REIT.

该文章继续命名四家公司将UDF REIT或私人交易出售给投资者:Financial Services Inc.,Berthel Fisher&Co。,VSR Financial Services Inc.和Centaurus Financial Inc.其他公司也已将UDF REIT卖给了投资者。

针对UDF的指控于12月首次在投资者网站Harvest Exchange发表的匿名帖子中浮出水面。在指控中:UDF伞在庞氏骗局中表现出“象征性”的特征;新资本被使用了现有投资者;更新的UDF公司正在向早期的UDF公司提供流动性,以支付早期投资者。该公司指出,对冲基金在UDF IV股票中创造了短暂的头寸,该公司指责该基金试图通过抑制和操纵UDV IV的股价来非法利润。

最近,Hayman Capital的J. Kyle Bass还发布了一个有关指控的网站。在现场,低音承认海曼在UDV IV普通股中的职位很短。
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由于针对UDF IV的指控已在Harvest Fund网站上发布,因此REIT的股票在过去两个月中已下跌81%。联邦调查局前往UDF总部的消息使公司的股价在周四的突袭中跌近55%,收于3.20美元/股。

UDF IV否认了这是一个指控Ponzi scam。在有关指控的消息之后,它向美国证券交易委员会提出了投诉,称其是“短暂而扭曲”的证券交易骗局的受害者,涉及一个正在建立股票短期职位的投资者。bob200体育UDV说,目标是非法操纵股票。去年12月,UDF透露,自2014年以来,SEC的一项事实调查进行了调查。

本月,对冲基金经理凯尔·巴斯(Kyle Bass)说,他是一直在缩短UDF的人。他指责非贸易房地产投资信托基金(REIT)使用新的投资者资金向现有投资者支付并利用“妈妈和流行”零售投资者。Bass的Hayman Capital Management LP一直押注UDF IV股票。他是去年年底对UDF提出庞氏骗局的人。
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经营总部位于达拉斯的海曼资本的对冲基金经理J. Kyle Bass已建立了一个指控的网站Texas-based REIT United Development Funding IV运行庞氏骗局的房地产骗局。在现场,巴斯向读者发表了一封信,声称他的公司已经进行了研究,并发现非交易房地产投资信托基金与十亿美元的庞氏骗局相一致。

Bass contends that UDF used money from a public affiliate to rescue its first fund. According to商业内幕Bass还声称,UDF管理层一直在扭曲其差记录,其分支机构的财务状况远至金融危机。他声称,UDF一直在利用零售投资者,并使用UDF控制的实体和房地产支持贷款来掩盖新投资者资金B用于支付现有投资者的事实。
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