Articles Posted in共同基金


解决带来的指控弗吉尼亚州的州企业委员会accusing a UBS (UBS) broker of making unsuitable recommendations involving gold and precious metals securities to 18 clients,瑞银财务Serviceswill pay $319K—$289K to the clients and $30K to the state.

Virginia’s regulator contends that unsuitable recommendations were made in 2013 and 2014 and caused UBS clients to hold an overconcentration of these securities, which were not even suitable for some of them. The state said that this violated its securities rules.

The金融业监管机构(FINRA)has permanently barred fired Merrill Lynch broker Bhenoy (Ben) Dembla. According toInvestmentNews, The former broker was let go from the financial firm in 2016 for “falsifying documents” related to mutual fund sales.



林肯投资计划to Pay Clients For Not Giving Discounts on Mutual Fund Shares



Direct Services LLC和Voya Investment LLC,两个Voya Holdings Inc.投资顾问子公司将支付约360万美元来解决证券和交易委员会的收费,以指控他们未能对证券贷款相关的某些披露。bob200体育在这笔钱中,超过200万美元将直接进入受影响的共同基金。

两位投资顾问与许多与Voya Holdings的保险公司和直接服务为人寿保险和年金客户提供的保险公司合作。两位顾问向某些当事方借给了基金保存的证券。bob200体育然后,他们拨款证券,以便保险公司分支机构将获得税收优bob200体育惠。这些相同的分支机构是资金股票的记录股东。同时,这导致资金及其投资者失去收入,同时无法利用税收优惠。

根据SEC执法部门资产管理联合主持Anthony S. Kelly的说法,共同基金及其投资者未被告知他们将损失资金,以便分支机构获得这种税收优惠。监管机构说,Voya顾问没有透露这一点conflict of interestexisted.

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美国证券交易委bob200体育员会已针对Ameriprise Financial Services(AMP)提起民事诉讼。监管机构指责经纪公司和投资顾问建议零售退休帐户客户,他们购买了收取更高费用的共同基金股票。据称,Ameriprise在适用的情况下未能雇用销售费用。

The Commission’s order contends that the broker-dealer neglected to determine when certain retirement account customers qualified for mutual fund share classes that were not as costly.


The SEC said that about 1,971 customer accounts paid nearly $1.8M in up-front sales fees that were not warranted, costlier ongoing fees, “contingent deferred sales charges,” and other expenses because of the way that Ameriprise handled the recommendation and sale of mutual funds to retirement account clients.


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The LJM Preservation and Growth Fund (LJMIX, LJMAX, LJMCX) is facing allegations that it madefalse and misleading statements给投资者。特别是,该基金表示,它适用于希望保守帐户增长的资本保存投资者。实际上,共同基金使投资者面临高风险,这使他们在两天内几乎失去其价值时遭受巨大的损失,本月初下降了80%以上。在与证券监管机构的文件中,位于芝加bob200体育哥的LJM Partners,Ltd。宣布,它将在3月29日之前关闭运营,并将进行清算。

该基金的最新收益报告于10月底提交,指出了7.68亿美元的净资产。路透社报道说,该基金的净资产在月初为8.12亿美元,但现在减少到1400万美元。大规模下降后,该基金宣布将不再向新投资开放。不久之后,投资者带来了集体诉讼诉讼bob200体育against the mutual fund. The plaintiffs are alleging that the LJM Preservation and Growth Fund violated the Securities Act and misled them by claiming it was committed to “preserve capital, particularly in down market.”

LJM, operated by Anthony Caine and Anish Parvatanen, was among a number of companies involved in selling liquid alternative funds that were complex and came with high fees. Investors that sought these funds out were generally hoping to enhance their returns even while reducing the risks. However, the fund did not accomplish that goal. It instead embarked on a risky strategy involving complex options trading and other investments that are not appropriate for any investor seeking capital preservation.

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Two Brokers Barred After Not Appearing at FINRA Hearings

前摩根士丹利(MS)经纪人Guillermo Valladolid受到金融业监管机构的禁止。根据监管机构的说法,瓦拉多利德(Valladolid)没有在听证会上出现InvestmentNews,他“将投资卖给了雇主”,并忽略了某些外部业务活动。

摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)终止了Vallodolid的工作。在此之前,他与Merrill Lynch.

在另一个FINRA案中,监管机构也禁止另一位经纪人布拉德利·马斯乔(Bradley C. Mascho)出现在听证会之后。马斯乔在西方国际证券期间的一些活动受到质疑。bob200体育该公司上个月解雇了他,这也是美国证券交易委员会对Bennett Group Financial和DJP Holdibob200体育ngs的Mascho和Dawn Bennett提起欺诈指控。Mascho是后者的首席财务官。

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瑞银财务Services Inc. (UBS)已同意解决美国证券和交易委员会的指控,指控经纪公bob200体育司不确保某些慈善经纪帐户和零售退休帐户收到销售费用豁免或减少他们在购买某些共同基金时获得的应有资格的费用股份类别。然而,尽管达成和解,包括同意支付350万美元的罚款,但该公司没有承认或否认SEC的调查结果。



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美国证券交易委bob200体育员会已提起指控,指控SunTrust Investment Services从共同基金客户那里收取超过110万美元的不必要的费用。SunTrust Banks子公司将支付超过110万美元的罚款,以解决监管机构的民事指控。

根据监管机构的订单,如果可获得这些资金的价格较低的股份,SunTrust Investment Services不当推荐给客户的成本较高的共同股份。SEC表示,这违反了投资服务公司的信托义务,以对客户的最大利益采取行动。

在与金融行业监管机构达成和解中,许多CETERA金融集团经纪公司已同意共同支付330万美元,以不正确地监督是否正确地在慈善组织和退休计划中正确地适用了互惠基金销售费用豁免。解决的公司包括CETERA金融专家,CETERA投资服务,Summit Brokerage Services,First Allied Securities和Girard Securities。bob200体育

The $3.3M is how much these clients were excessively charged plus interest for the mutual funds that they bought from July 2009 to July 2017. According to the self-regulatory organization, the brokerage firms either: charged front-end sales charges to charitable organization and retirement plan customers that bought A shares in mutual funds even though they were eligible to have these fees waived or sold them class C/B shares while charging them back-end sales charges and “higher ongoing fees and expenses.”


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