
Galvin’s Office Files Civil Lawsuit Alleging Overconcentration, Unsuitable Investments

马萨诸塞州联邦秘书威廉·加尔文(William Galvin)已针对前下一个金融集团经纪人查尔斯·切斯特·库尔奇(Charles Chester Kulch)提起民事诉讼。

The state is accusing him of selling real estate investment trusts (REITs) and variable annuities (VA) to customers for whom they were unsuitable and overconcentrating their portfolios in these high risk, illiquid investments.

Former Financial Representative Is Facing Criminal Trial for Annuity Fraud

金融行业监管局(FINRA)已罚款西北共同投资服务$ 350Kfailing to properly supervise前股票经纪人桑普森·皮尔森(Sampson Pearson)使他能够欺骗57万美元的客户。西北共同投资服务是西北共同生命保险公司的经纪部门。

皮尔森(Pearson)在2017年受到自我调节组织(SRO)的禁止,在联邦法院被指控犯有严重的身份盗用,邮件欺诈和提交虚假纳税申报表。根据他的说法BrokerCheck记录,,,,he is named in 13 disclosures, including 11 customer disputes.


弗兰克·阿瓦隆(Frank Avallone)自201bob200体育5年以来是一家国家证券经纪人,目前是两名未决的客户投诉的主题,指控他制作不合适的投资建议这导致每位索赔人造成六位数的损失。他并不是这家被指控有适合性问题的公司的唯一注册代表。

Unsuitable investments are any recommendation that is inappropriate for the investor. Such a recommendation is contrary to a broker’s duty to only make investment recommendations that are appropriate for the customer as it pertains to their age, financial resources, investing experience, and risk tolerance level.

FINRA说Sagepoint Financial Brokers不合适地推荐了早期UIT翻车

金融业监管局(FINRA)订购Sagepoint Financial在执行超过8.95亿美元的单位投资信托(UIT)交易后,支付超过160万美元的罚款和赔偿金,导致了超过1720万美元的销售费用。

Of these UIT transactions, over $203.7 million of the proceeds were from sales that occurred over 100 days before a UIT’s maturity date. FINRA found that these unsuitable early rollovers caused customers to pay over $1.3 million in sales charges that they wouldn’t have otherwise if only they’d held onto their UITs until they matured.

FINRA指责SunTrust Investment Services未能适当监督经纪人

金融行业监管局(FINRA)已下令SunTrust支付63.4万美元以解决指控经纪交易商的指控,当他们建议客户在长期内持有非传统交易所交易基金(ETF)的17个经纪人,以期长期持续 - 尤其是在那里造成损失的做法是市场波动。

在这项和解中,$ 50K是罚款,$ 584,466是恢复原状。信托银行拥有的SunTrust Investment Services同意制裁,但没有否认或承认自我监管组织(SRO)的调查结果。


FMS债券以前称为第一迈阿密证券,是另一项投资者欺诈诉讼的主题。bob200体育这次是为了误导来自得克萨斯州达拉斯地区的缺乏经验的债券投资者,并使他以低评级,长期的“垃圾”债券和其他不良债券(包括Frontier Communications发行的债券)的价格过高的投资组合。该帐户最终炸毁,导致索赔人遭受约100万美元的损失。

Our Texas investor lawyers at Shepherd Smith Edwards and Kantas (SSEK Law Firm) are representing this investor in Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) arbitration to recover these losses. The hearing will take place in the Dallas area.


我们的Shepherd Smith Edwards和Kantas(SSEK律师事务所)的经纪公司欺诈律师已提交了金融业监管机构(FINRA)仲裁摩根士丹利代表一位德克萨斯州的达拉斯老年人。

The investor in question sustained over $500K in losses due to the unsuitable recommendations of structured products, Master Limited Partnerships (MLPs), other oil and gas equities, and investments governed by Harvest Volatility Management’s Collateral Yield Enhancement Strategy (CYES).



Unfortunately, many of these investors think they are betting on oil prices’ long-term rise and do not fully comprehend how the futures market operates or that these types of funds hold primarily short-dated oil futures contracts and should never be held long-term.


本周,LPL Financial(LPLA)宣布已暂停其几家非交易房地产投资信托基金的销售以及许多公开交易的房地产间隔资金。这是因为新型冠状病毒(Covid-19)将这些投资置于损失的风险更高。

In an email toInvestmentNews,,,,LPL EVP of Products and Platforms, Rob Pettman, wouldn’t offer the names of the funds but did note that the broker-dealer hoped to offer them to investors again once the markets had calmed.

Elderly Investor Claims $250K in GPB Fraud Losses

在另一个GPB私人安置欺诈案中,我们在Shepherd Smith Edwards和Kantas(SSEK律师事务所)的经纪人欺诈律师代表投资者提出了索赔。

This time, the respondents are Pruco Securities and Kalos Capital, which the firm has gone after inprevious private placements claims在同一投资和经纪人克里斯托弗·肖(Christopher Shaw)上。这位来自北卡罗来纳州的老年妇女的索赔人报告的损失超过25万美元。她正在寻求高达50万美元的损害赔偿以及利息和其他费用。
